This is the Message Centre for Heavy


Post 1


No, no, with the quality of writing some days, "suppository" is quite correct.


Post 2


I must admit, I am quite enjoying wandering around The Guide. Only joined the other day and though some of the entries are a little bizzare (I didn't really want so much information on the conditions of people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome), they are reasonably amusing or informative.


Post 3


Yeah, it's a bit bloody weird in its entirety. I've only just started too, and so far have been surprised with the results. (Actually, I more surprised that I haven't yet broken anything, but that's another matter.)
Admittedly there seem to be a few people around with their heads firmly up their arses, but they seem to keep to themselves.
So just do what I do - barge in and create a nuisance of yourself; it's better doing that electronically than in a crowded pub.

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