Journal Entries

Back again

It's been a long time.I was boored,especially of the long loading times.Now i've got a new (or less old computer). And it seems to work better.I have a lot to catch up to.The Guide have grown big.And i want to read the entries first (that can take some time).Then i'll try to come up with something new from the northern part of earth.
I'm still a smoker (if you wondered Vegiman)
Maybe i'll try to quit again

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Latest reply: Aug 8, 2000

Oh shit

Recieved a post-parcel today.The Starship Titanic game and i can't play it on my old computer. I think i just go and boil my head.About games yes, i've been playing MYST for some time and i'm kind of stuck in the last age. I very much want just a little hint.Anyone know of a hint-site? If there is one. 

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Latest reply: Aug 10, 1999

At work again

Vacation (or Holiday as you might say) is over,and i'm feeling better. It can be a lonely time some years. I'm a Swedish guy. My experience of Internet and computers in general is about as long as H2G2 have existed.Now i've learned some about typing silly stuff which i later regret and cannot delete. But done is done, i'll try to make up to it. Because this is the most interesting site i've visit on Internet so far.And it's a wonderful opportunity for me to improve my English. I'm now reading Douglas Adams The trilogy of four in English and it's quite a new experience. Translations can never be the same. For exampel the group Disaster area was called Novalucol (stomach medicine) in the Swedish translation. I'm thankful to the Swedish way of using subtitles instead of dubbing. I can chose to look at the text all the time or just then i really need to.It's hard though, the text have some magnetic influence on my eyes. 

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Latest reply: Aug 5, 1999


 Just how fun is vacation on a scale 1-10.
If there is sunshine i feel forced to lie on the beach and get burnd
by dangerous beams instead of sitting at home by my computer.
If it rains (that it usually does) thats depressing too.

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Latest reply: Jul 25, 1999

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