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A small mobile h2g2 suggestion?

Post 1

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

It is a very rare day that I buy a printed book any more. I very much like my Kindle.

Many people live by their mobile phone and tablet apps, something that I don't do. But perhaps an idea for h2g2 as a site and entity? A simple app of two flavours: searchable edited entries, and an even simpler one of The Infinite Improbability Drive.

Each might offer 5 entries free per month, as a simple method of spreading the word. And unlimited reads for a very small subscription fee - say $5 (USD, Cdn, etc) or 2-quid - per month. Subscribe through any of the popular app stores.

I don't know what "share" of subscription services these 'stores' absorb, but even 50 or 60% of anything to could be more snowflakes in a small blizzard.

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A small mobile h2g2 suggestion?

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