Journal Entries

again studying

Actually managed to get some done today, I can't believe my contract with the Borg is Illegal (I apologise for this very poor contract law joke).

I can't believe what happened in the rugby, NZ can't have been watching the five nations. You can't let France gain confidence in a game, they start believing they're the best team in the world and then they start playing like the best team in the world.

Unfortunately for the world cup, that was France's final they put everything into that. I predict the Aussies will give them a big thumping and I'll be £5 down, damn!

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Latest reply: Oct 31, 1999


Studying sort of went out the window today, I watched the rugby instead. Australia were very impressive, but the All Blacks are better.

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Latest reply: Oct 30, 1999


After an evening of singing loudly to Delilah and other songs, mixed in with the odd beer, it is now time to study. Horrifyingly enough Contract Law, this will be the third law exam I'll have taken. Just because the professional body doesn't recognise my previous efforts! Only got exemption from economics and IT/Business.

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Latest reply: Oct 30, 1999

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