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top of the league
Posted Dec 5, 1999
If only for one day, yes we won the local derby against Bristol 38 - 25, thanks to the Welsh guys. Barbed wire (yes, the ex - aussie coach) was doing his best to wind the team up, should try harder.
I hear Yates (ear biting incident) has been doing well for Wellington, they've even selected him for Super 12's.
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Latest reply: Dec 5, 1999
same subject again;-)
Posted Dec 4, 1999
I got 12 votes in the end, any more than one were a waste though. The other reps had to have recounts because theirs was really close.
Gloucester v Bristol tomorrow unfortunately our other kiwi flyhalf (Martyn Kimber, not an all black but U19s batsman), is out for good with a ruptured acillies - bit sad seeing as he's been playing for us for 5 years now.
come on Glaws, otherwise I'll have to take a lot of S**t from the Leicester fan I was taking the piss out of on a MSN community
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Latest reply: Dec 4, 1999
politics the return
Posted Dec 2, 1999
Well, when the polling stations opened at 8am I had already won. No one stood against me. All the other departments are still voting for their reps
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Latest reply: Dec 2, 1999
Posted Dec 1, 1999
My first step on the political ladder. The firm that took us over more than a year ago is now changing our name etc. This means the same rules apply as if the company was closing down. Employees at different levels within the company are elected to represent their colleagues in various meetings. I would say negotiations but that implies decisions are yet to be made (which is not the case).
Anyway, shopfloor staff their are loads of people wanting to be elected, but none of the office staff wanted to do it. I've put my name down, and there will be an election tomorrow - if I'm the only one in it and I lose I'll be very upset.
It'll look good on the CV when they finally kick us out as well
I'm bored, send me messages - [email protected]
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Latest reply: Dec 1, 1999
car crashes
Posted Nov 30, 1999
This is the third car accident I've seen in three weeks. I wouldn't mind but they are on narrow country roads so it takes ages to get to where your going
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Latest reply: Nov 30, 1999
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