Me, Delightful Me.
I am a practicing philosophunculist specializing in the correct application of amphigory. Also, I play bass fiddle, do research for money on neat little beasties, and spend as much time drinking beer or tea/coffee as possible.
A young American from the left coast, rain in varying degrees delights me--as do walks under trees with broad bases, chats with attractive and clever women, books with entertaining principles espoused within, and umbrellas. Spending time working in Costa Rica has made me realize that dancing is a wonderful way to pass time--especially meringue.
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Names for a double bass | Jul 14, 2006 | Jan 13, 2008 |
Double bass | Jul 14, 2006 | No Replies |
ACE's Hi | No Posting | Jul 13, 2006 |
Eciton burchellii | Jul 12, 2006 | No Replies |
Researcher U4856095
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