This is the Message Centre for shazzPRME

Not a good year so far...

Post 41


Just heard she got it yesterday. I'm sure she'll get back to you herself shortly. smiley - smiley

Not a good year so far...

Post 42


Oh good to know i hope she likes the cd storys.

Not a good year so far...

Post 43


Wowza... gadzooks... did me hear someone use the word irk in a sentance?

Is that even legal these days...

~Greebo settles down a shows off her nice new Top Hat...~

Do you like my new hat... It's pink... goes very nicely with my orange (not ginger as you all know) fur... ~Greebo giggles~

Me got it form a mumble sale... me just loves jumping in and out of any old mumble...

Hugs Greebs... xxx

Not a good year so far...

Post 44


Goodness - lots of familiar faces in here smiley - biggrin

I have your letter and cd, thank you, Timelord. I have yet to listen to it but will do so very soon. smiley - hug

As TM said, we're muddling along but, thanks to the swine I think I mentioned in my original post, things are still rocky on the finance front. Hopefully he'll get his comeuppance sooner rather than later and we'll be all the richer for it. smiley - ok

shazzPRME smiley - thepost

Not a good year so far...

Post 45


Hi there just remember there is always light at the end of the tunnel.smiley - smileyOf course there is a lot of familiar face in here you made a lot of friends here and we are all pleased you are OK.

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