Journal Entries

2 July 1999

i just had lunch with one of the most annoying people i know. i had the option not to - i could easily have copped out - yet i went ahead and sat down with a red curry, cheap eggs rolls, and an obsessive-compulsive geek for an hour.

and i believe that doing this once in a while is good for the soul, or whatever it is that distinguishes us from other forms of motile protoplasm. enduring luch with a truly annoying human can be stressful, yes, and certainly diminish the appeal of some righteous thai food, but overall it can make you appreciate the parts of your life when you _don't_ have to spend it with someone who you'd sooner throttle.

then again, maybe it's just that they finally put an air conditioner in my office and i'm a little less agitated than normal.

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