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Merry Christmas People

I'm not going to be online for a couple of weeks over chirstmas so I'll say it now smiley - holly

smiley - geek

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Latest reply: Dec 16, 2010

Note to self - please ignor


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Latest reply: Oct 5, 2009

rubber chickins switcing alliances

i survived.
i have joined the rubber chickens against the evil swans.

now i will help them eviminate the swans

new codename: agent Eggsworth!


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Latest reply: Jun 26, 2009

Rubber Chickens -- ...err...sorry

They've got me. "Nice rubber chickens. Please don't hurt me."
smiley - bruised
"I didn't mean to foil your plans...
...I'll help you, you're nice rubber chickens...
...I'll help you take over the world, just...

smiley - wah

(I know I'm a chicken, but i've run out of plot, well actually, i never had one)

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Latest reply: Apr 1, 2009

Rubber Chickens -- Into hiding

I'm hidden in a cave just south of the evil base of the rubber chickens. hopefully they won't find me. smiley - lurk

if any rubber chickens ask you...I'm not here

smiley - shhh

If i don't make it, tell the gooddies that the rubber chickens are planning to invade on 1/4/12.

I can hear something. I think they're comming. Take that you evil chickens smiley - nahnah

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Latest reply: Apr 1, 2009

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