This is the Message Centre for Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

PIIB, what is it?

Post 1

A T Hun

I know it's probably blatantly obvious, but.....
smiley - smiley
my brains a little scattered lately. With the crashed shared drive that people were using to work off of and never bothered to back up or the rampant lack of communication wherever I go.

I need to know. I've been noticing it and can't figure out the answer, it's bugging me; and, I refuse to go googling it and researching. I do that enough everyday.
smiley - erm

PIIB, what is it?

Post 2

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

Pernguins intergalactic Investigation Beauro (Which I just can't spell no matter how hard I trysmiley - winkeye)

We don't investigate anything, I asked. We usually go around destroying planets in our planet destroying spaceship, the cheesecake of death. Sometimes we tell penguins to do things, sometimes they look disaproving at us as we destroy their planet(we've done it at least twice so far). It's pretty mad, but also fun. Feel free to take a look around. There should be a link on my personal space somewhere (Unless new H2G2 killed it)

You won't get anywhere if you google it.

smiley - geek

PIIB, what is it?

Post 3

A T Hun

What a coincidence, just saw a mentioning of the Cheescake of Death in another thread last night. and PIIB of course. Was going to inquire there but was too tired to think anymore. Thought I'd wait a little longer.
Thanks for the info.
smiley - biggrin didn't think i'd find anything on google, figured i'd have to find the answer here.
smiley - winkeye
So, you're sort of up against the Vogons and Galactus types?

PIIB, what is it?

Post 4

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

More mindless planet destruction than anything structured. Kind of like a bored little kid at the controls of the death star smiley - tongueout

smiley - geek

PIIB, what is it?

Post 5

A T Hun

smiley - rocket
But there is some ,,, Method, if you will, to the mindlessness.
smiley - ufo
smiley - planet

PIIB, what is it?

Post 6

A T Hun

If you get my meaning, if you catch my drift, if you..., OK, I'll shut up. smiley - snowman Speaking of drifts, get any snow lately???

PIIB, what is it?

Post 7

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

It all thawed over christmas. smiley - sadface

smiley - geek

PIIB, what is it?

Post 8

A T Hun

Finally spent first night in new place. smiley - biggrin
Still snowing here, daily. Kinda slowed my moving down.
smiley - snowman

PIIB, what is it?

Post 9

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

Did you have snow right about a week before christmas that was like polystyrene. It went from nothing to a couple of inches in about ten minutes

smiley - geek

PIIB, what is it?

Post 10

A T Hun

smiley - esuom
Been so much snew lately i'm forgetting. Just dealin with the freezin; 4 degrees this morning. I've been moving in lately and this soaks. Don't Care... have own place now. smiley - cheers

PIIB, what is it?

Post 11

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

I think someone was saying that their car thermometer said it was -9.9 some time over christmas. He spent the entire drive trying to encourage it to lick over to -10.

smiley - geek

PIIB, what is it?

Post 12

A T Hun

Had to read that twice. So he wanted it colder?smiley - winkeye

Minutes ago: Someone just sceamed loudly outside my office. Really, very loud, woman scream. For a couple seconds didn't know what to think as I darted out my door. Imagine the thoughts going through my mind.
smiley - ale
There was a pigeon in the hallway. You'd think it was Godzilla the way she screamed. My heart still pounding. Me and another, Man, shoo-ed him away and out as women came to investigate, then ran.


PIIB, what is it?

Post 13

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

We had a spider smiley - spider panic a couple of weeks ago. Everyone was panicing as this little spider ran across the desk. Of course, I was the only person who wasn't going to squash the poor thing. So I had to carry it outside on a piece of paper. I really didn't like how it moved though. I must be the only person on the planet that prefers bigger spiders.

smiley - geek

PIIB, what is it?

Post 14

A T Hun

Well played Persephone. smiley - biggrin Although I have the usual aversion to spiders,smiley - yuk i've actually taken them outside and released them. smiley - spider
How about this one, after heavy rains I have tossed worms from the sidewalk or parking lot into the grass, if it seems they are not going to make it.smiley - smiley
Well, I still do it, just not in winter.

PIIB, what is it?

Post 15

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

I don't move worms. I don't even like touching spiders, and they're not slimy. I just make sure I don't step on worms. Quite a few of the people in my family have gardens so I've learned to like worms.

smiley - geek

PIIB, what is it?

Post 16

A T Hun

sorry haven't responded sooner. busy busy lately
smiley - esuom
UPS just shut down at work. emergency - emergency
smiley - snowman
Anyways, just got back again, did'nt even get the chance to post.

I'd like to start a Worm farm. They are great composters too.
guess I got a little farmer in me.


PIIB, what is it?

Post 17

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

Somewhere I've got an old science text book that explains what they do.

smiley - geek

PIIB, what is it?

Post 18

A T Hun

Worms underfoot, any much more life too. Let's join the Brothers of the Soil Commune. Did you ever watch The Young Ones?
smiley - esuom
Speaking of animals, how are the Penguins doing?
smiley - winkeye

PIIB, what is it?

Post 19

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

I only mannaged to watch one episode of the Young Ones, something to do with them demolishing the house or evicting them or they should destroy it first.

We haven't managed to destory the penguins' world recently, I'll get right on that. smiley - evilgrin

smiley - geek

PIIB, what is it?

Post 20

A T Hun

That was their first episode. That was Vivian's idea.
smiley - winkeye
Aren't some of your organization Penguins? I imagined some guys like the ones in those Madagascar cartoons running your business.smiley - rocket

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