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Iain Banks

Post 1


What did you think of Inversions? I really admire how he made the main characters seem as if they belonged to the general Culture universe, but never actually came out and said so. Also Wasp factory is my absolute favorite book of his.

Iain Banks

Post 2

njan (afh)

Actually, I'm afraid to say that Inversions is the one Banks book I haven't read. None of the libraries have it, none of the book-stores stock it. The one copy I've ever seen was in the most unlikely place ever, in a little specialist bookshop in ... Reading, I think... (specialist _engineer's_ bookshop)... but twas reserved. smiley - sadface....

Iain Banks

Post 3


Umm. Now you make me feel rotten, for being one-up on you. I borrowed my hardcover copy from the Brooklyn Public Library here in New York. If I had my own I could mail it to you... I'll look out for it.

Iain Banks

Post 4

njan (afh)


Of course, I'm 4000 miles from New York, so it'd cost rather a lot.

Iain Banks

Post 5


It only costs $2.24 to send books to the UK via surface mail. I assume that you are in the UK. Takes a while though. let me see if the book is actually available nearby first.

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