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Music taste...
njan (afh) Posted Jan 29, 2002
So there I was, having finished a rather /large/ post, and I decided I'd be nosy and explore your page, having already read your user page and journal entries.
"Music taste", I see that you've posted, so I explore, thinking I might just learn some more about you.
And it was a post to my user space
I'm dopy, I am, and no mistake.
Interesting... although I am actually listening to Tori ... pray tell, what sort of aura do I give off, and how did you "tell"?
- Njan.
Saturnine Posted Jan 29, 2002
"Well isnt that ironic"?
Oh...Tori Amos is part of that package too...I guess being around in alternative culture gives you a feel for others...not all my favorite bands are up there at the moment, not been using this place for long, and not sure how long I will be able to...all very hush hush y'see
But the whole aura thing is just based on the way you speak...and it's not as if this site attracts the general ratrace of society...!
Shall wander around yours now! Stopped at the music list in sheer suprise!
Hey...was the "Closer to God" bit in the conversation deliberate...? Found that quite humourous!
njan (afh) Posted Jan 30, 2002
ooh. :-p
*nods*... the list of music I listen to is quite astronomically big. From NIN, we drop all the way through the musical spectrum to american folk music, irish and scottish folk music, a lot of classical and romantic music, a lot of more contemporary, and older, Russian music, not to mention the other "alternative" and otherwisely-named modern(ish) brands of music I listen to.
I see... so, pray tell, what else do you listen to?
I see... *wonders how he does speak*... you're right. The mix of people is very eclectic. (Although I did manage to find someone incredibly similar but gorgeously different in tiny little ways to myself and then fall inexplicably and quite deliciously in love with her) ahem.
Thankyou. I'm glad to hear that my music list surprised someone.
Howcome you won't be here for too long? Moving around? Uni? (I notice you come from Bristol, and I'm assuming you're at some sort of educational establishment there)
I didn't call it that, but the reference certainly wasn't lost on me.
Saturnine Posted Jan 30, 2002
My music list isnt too impressive...I only feel right in including the music I personally own...if that makes sense...but it is mainly metal/industrial/rock...anything with atmosphere, depth, texture, good words...I should put up a list of the things I would be into if I had time...!! I do like a bit of nostalgic pop though...well, Kylie Minogue. I would be into classical music if I "had time"...
...I will catch up when Im older. Just discovered the regime of industrial, so Im kicking back and relaxing amongst the decay. Decadance has always kinda been home for me...
hehe...I was having a nose around your messages...found out who Poet was...*ah bless*
Yes, Im in Bristol, but when I said I dont know how long I'll be around for, I meant cyber-wise, not physical. Access to this place could be taken away from me at any second!!! Making the most of this place though...even if Im not coming across as the intellect I truly am I blame society and my illness...stupid colds...who thought that one up...
I go to college by the way...finishing off A-levels, no Uni though. Not ready yet...need some freedom...need for cash and time for myself...what be you doing with your life sir?
And "Closer" is a rather sublime song...not my most fave though...
njan (afh) Posted Jan 30, 2002
*nods*... I see. Well fair enough. *still wants some examples as to what you listen to*... *is awkward*... I see. Decadance is good.
*nods*... she's wonderful. We made an appearance at the last h2g2 meet in London (last weekend) in paper form. Pegasus's sending us the card with the picture printed on, which people've signed, apparantly.
I see. *nods*... well, here's hoping you'll be with us for some time. .. you're certainly both welcome here and much fun to talk to.
Which subjects are you doing, and what're you going to do after college, then?
I'm a student in Oxford (that sounds /so/ posh)
In verity, I'm actually an A-Levels student. My first choice for uni is Bristol.
Saturnine Posted Jan 30, 2002
I study Film Studies, Psychology and Critical Thinking...all of which is good, some a little more taxing than others...although Film is my favorite. Get to write a screenplay for coursework. Cant beat that. I have many many plans for after college. No uni for a while, but when I do I want to study either Criminology, Film, or some sort of religious/philosophy about you?
*glances to the ceiling*
My music taste isnt that varied. Including my "core bands" mentioned in P-Space I like Ministry, Nick Cave, KoRn, Metallica, Slayer, Pantera, TOOL! , Jack off Jill (the one song Ive managed to hear anyways), erm...REM, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Queen, Rammstein, Rob Zombie, Angelo Badalamenti, No Doubt, Rachel Stamp...anything with that "tarnished" decaying feel...I find it hard to define ALL the bands I like. I forget...and half of the music I mentioned just there, I dont own...!!! Im in constant development of myself though...makes me a little uneasy...
*sits upon a hill*
So what is Oxford like?
Bristol is a good place to be a student or a "creative type"...I just want to sit in the latter...formalised education is affecting the latter and my motivation..."eek"...
Do you have cool hair? I used to until recently. Suffering withdrawal!
njan (afh) Posted Jan 31, 2002
...forgive my possible notquiteinapropermoodness. I'm not feeling good today. Numerous reasons. I'm trying to find myself things to do, which is why I'm on h2, so I don't have to concentrate on other things, and so that my mind's taken off certain other things I don't want to think about.
I see. I'm English, French and Philosophy... the second of which I enjoy (apart from Thursday afternoon's depressing literature-fest.. wish me luck..), the first of which I variously despise and enjoy, and the third of which I both like and am good at. (They say I'm good at all of them, but they're liars).
Film Studies and Critical Thinking? You'll have to explain those to me. They're two I've never heard of.
I had a premonition of your taking Psychology on a bus this morning. Don't ask me either why or why I was thinking about that (stray thoughts: I didn't have a book to read), but I did. All in all, a very odd morning.
I've applied to Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Durham, Exeter, and southampton. The first news back was that Cardiff cancelled my course (Philosophy and Psychologyh), so I reapplied for just psychology there. The first offer I got was Birmingham (3 Bs to read Philosophy), the second Exeter (ABB to read Psychology), and the third Cardiff (ABB to read Psychology). Bristol, the b******s, turned me down. Which rather annoys me, since they were my first choice.
I went through a huge amount of ambivolence whilst choosing university course. I started off, at the beginning of my L6th, wanting to do Physics, and so the A-Levels I originally took were Physics, Maths, Chemistry, English, after having got an A* in Physics, an A a in Maths, a B in Chemistry, and an A in English (both lit and lang) at GCSE (amongst other subjects, French being another of the A*s). After about two weeks (two weeks, I've since been told, of starting the AS year doing A2 maths work) I dropped maths, partly due to pressure put upon me by the maths department, and partly because I got it into my head I just didn't want to do maths.
Even more so than the year previously, thus began a large period of mental confusion. I just didn't know what hit me, and I got very confused by lots and lots of things. But, after dropping Maths, I dropped Physics and Chemistry ("Because you need maths to do physics, and I was only doing chemistry to supplement the physics"), so down the spout went the vision of being a physicist. So I needed some more A-Levels.
French, I took instead of Physics, mainly because the philosopher teacher, who is also the head of sixth form, and so the guy I had to talk to, didn't want me doing philosophy ("because [after two weeks] we've already started the set book"). In the maths block, I took an AS in philosophy, instead, in a much smaller class with a teacher I've had serious issues with in the past. After a year and a half, however, he's not a bad chap, and I'm glad I took philosophy in the block I did.
In place of chemistry, I took History. I don't know why. I hated it. After another 4 or 5 weeks of badly written essays consistantly scoring 10 and 11 / 20, I dropped that, falling back on the A-Level in computing which I'd started in year 11, and finished in my L6th. The A-level in computing which I was good at, because I'm a computing person.
Which I got an E in. because the teacher spent the entirity of my last year coming to the lesson and asking me what I wanted to be taught, after not having given me a syllabus, and then proceded to spend the lesson telling me about such wonders as Assembly programming on BBC Micros, and linked lists (I still maintain I know more about linked lists than any other person on earth other than Mr. Linkedlist himself). He also failed abjectly to supervise my project in anything even approaching a competant way, and as a result I failed the project, after having switched programing language and project, twice, during the course of the year. Suffice to say, I have a slight bug to bear there.
So, then, over the course of about a year, I proceeded along nicely with French, English, and Philosophy. Asides from the slight blip when the exam board marked an entire year's modern novel papers, improperly, that continued relatively satisfactorily, and I started to make decisions as to what course I wanted to do.
English & Linguistics.
Philosophy & Linguistics
Philosophy & Psychology
the chain went. So I've settled on the latter, but - there not being many courses offered with that as joint hons - ended up applying for a mix of that, and phil / psych single honours. Just recently, in addition, I've become increasingly sick of philosophy as an end that doesn't actually get anywhere, and whilst I love it to bits, and philosophising has many many many applications to life in general, I'm not quite sure if I want to study it, and - if so - whether I want to study it on its own. I'm plumping for Philosophy @ Cardiff at the moment.
A lot of familiar names in that list... I have to say I listen to a fair few of them. I can recommend you some JoJ tracks if you want.
How much RZ have you heard?
*sings Aenima by Tool*
there's a picture of both me, and my hair, on my page. It's long, tied back, chestnut, and shiny. I like it.
(specifically posts something in a seperate message)
njan (afh) Posted Jan 31, 2002
my page, for your information, is njan dot co dot uk (I have my own domain name) forwardslash Njan. There y'are. .. there's even a www which you can put in at the beginning. *hides from moderators*
Take care. Muchly sorry for the rant.
- Njan.
Saturnine Posted Jan 31, 2002
*pats on head*
My oh my...I can sympathise with the whole confusion thing, but Im not about to write it all down. Education is a pain in the ass, and Im not sticking around in it for very long...but I can sympathise with the course changing.
Righty-oh. Film Studies is basically a course of watching films, and chopping them into bits (NOT literally *laughs*), for example looking at iconography, or directorial influence, social influence, camera angles, techniques etc. Critical Thinking is just basically learning about the structure of arguments...I took it because my verbal techniques arent that great :/ Film is better though. Many conversations in class, many good films to watch and creativity is encouraged!
Hooray! The only downside, is that last year, we had two fantastic teachers...really into films, really passionate. One of them left
and was replaced by the most inept stupid cow in existance. She teaches out of the textbook forgodssakes!!!! HATE her. Nothing like a bad teacher to stifle your love for a subject.
On the old psychology topic...Im very behind in work...having forgotten how to write essays. Im an A student, currently slinking about as a D student. Not good
Owing to my mysterious presence on here...Im unable to access any net links. Dont ask why, but as I said...its all very hush-hush...
I've only heard a few RZ tracks...seen him live on him though...he's good...why?
njan (afh) Posted Jan 31, 2002
*smiles and nods*
I know exactly what you mean...
...along course lines, I do now want to go to Cardiff. so.. yeah.
Am I allowed to pry as to where exactly you go? I know someone (who I haven't spoken to in a very long time.. ) who's in your (my) year in Bristol...
I see. *nods*... sounds interesting. Critical thinking sounds like it borders on philosophy then?
aww... ... I know how you feel, though. *watches mounting pile of English*
now, I could do it over the weekend. Or I could rush it now before the weekend, because I'll be in Cheltenham all weekend. Or I could not do it? Which do /you/ think I'm going to do?
That sounds suspiciously interesting. They're not meant to offer interesting subjects at a-level.. apart from philosophy. Hmm. Perhaps they both slipped through the moderator's clutches?
he's wonderful. Oh, because if you haven't heard much I can tell you to get lots. I like RZ rather a lot. ...although I surmise that you don't do Mp3s? You said something about legal music...
- Njan.
Saturnine Posted Feb 1, 2002
I go to Filton College...which isnt too bad as standards go. No one bothers too much about Key Skills, never go to Tutorials...although I should go meet my tutor, as I need to get my exam entry forms signed *groans* hate those things...
Sat here coughing and wrapped in a quilt...went out last night...shall go write a journal entry to explain...*bleurgh*...
I think you'll rush it before the weekend...I have a friend in Cheltenham...hes a new friend though...has fake hair...!
Film Studies IS suspiciously interesting...except for that awful t**t of a teacher...*brandishes mallet*
Eurgh...I am knackered and phlegmy... I like RZ too...he's funky! Just not had the chance to listen to much of him...
njan (afh) Posted Feb 4, 2002
Alright. Finally, finally, I've finished writing thankyou posts. *dance*
*nods*.. they suck. They got my birthday AND candidate number wrong, which I need to sort out this week. Blah.
No.. I did it at 7 in the morning on Swindon station, in the coffee bar. And then on the train. Well, some of it.. I still have two essays outstanding, which are "being done tomorrow" *cough cough*
I see.. groovy. My film interests at this moment are going into getting myself a copy of the film on which the Twelve Monkeys (One of my favourite films.. Bruce Willis's only forgivable role) was based. I want to see it.
Get yourself a cope of Hellbilly deluxe. Or, failing that, give me your address and I'll mail you a CD with some random stuff on it so you can see what you like. (Or, failing that, call the police, and arrest me as a stalker.
- Njan.
Saturnine Posted Feb 5, 2002
I have about 6 essays outstanding...all for the same subject...*eek*
Twelve Monkeys...great film, but Brad Pitt stole the show there. RE : "forgivable roles" about Fifth Element? TOP film. On a par with 12 Monkeys.
Will consider the RZ offer...still pondering.
Apologies for the briefness. Running low on time at the moment. Just managed to re-string my guitar for the first time ever...tune it up and everything...and Im very very chuffed plus college demands sleep time, eating time, rest time, travel time blah-de-blah...things to do people to see.
Hope you & Poet are well though...
njan (afh) Posted Feb 6, 2002
.. here's hoping you don't get caught..
*nods*.. I'm inclined to agree. Brad Pitt was rather good.
Hmm. Maybe. /maybe/. Just maybe. He hadn't quite got into the Die Hard "half of my brain isn't really here" quasi-vacant resigned to his death (but never actually dieing) stereotype he plays in Mercury Rising, and practically every other film he's been in. (including Twelve Monkeys, but I like him in that).
.. he's very good. *nods*
Hey, no problem. I've just gone out and bought a new pen and a load of notebooks and things in an effort to focus myself and give myself something to look forward to, because I need little targets like that if I'm to stay sane and stay working (which I need to be)
eating and sleeping are /good/
We are. *nods*
Saturnine Posted Nov 17, 2002
Wow...I've just backtracked over old conversations and discovered this one! Only managed to recently get access to long convo's owing to a new skin made specially for Telewest backdoor users...
Sorry I abandoned you! We were having quite a cosy chat.
Things have muchly changed since February. I quit college shortly after I left you in the middle of a convo.
How are things?
njan (afh) Posted Nov 17, 2002
.. wow, where do I start?.. no problem, though.
I've been a serious of ever-more-painful relationships since I broke up with poet.. I'm going to Southampton University studying Philosophy.. I got a new laptop which I then broke and is currently in for repair.. yesterday, I lost my entire music collection and about 10 years worth of data. (see journal).. umm.. yes.
How're you?
- Njan
Saturnine Posted Nov 17, 2002
In a quick succession of information, I quit college, and took a job to fill the time between then and the end of the term. Quit that, because it was the ultimate misery-unpaid form of employment. Am now absolutely poor, no job, but FINALLY getting around to finalising a draft of my first book and attmpting to get up the courage to approach and agent.
*ho hum*
Quite suprising what can happen in a year.
Saturnine Posted Nov 17, 2002
I can't tell you that! You might steal the idea before I get it published.
It has guns, and a girl-jesus and murder and smoking and a nice little town polluted by an old chemical plant.
And that's all I am saying!!!
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Music taste...
- 1: Saturnine (Jan 29, 2002)
- 2: njan (afh) (Jan 29, 2002)
- 3: Saturnine (Jan 29, 2002)
- 4: njan (afh) (Jan 30, 2002)
- 5: Saturnine (Jan 30, 2002)
- 6: njan (afh) (Jan 30, 2002)
- 7: Saturnine (Jan 30, 2002)
- 8: njan (afh) (Jan 31, 2002)
- 9: njan (afh) (Jan 31, 2002)
- 10: Saturnine (Jan 31, 2002)
- 11: njan (afh) (Jan 31, 2002)
- 12: Saturnine (Feb 1, 2002)
- 13: njan (afh) (Feb 4, 2002)
- 14: Saturnine (Feb 5, 2002)
- 15: njan (afh) (Feb 6, 2002)
- 16: Saturnine (Nov 17, 2002)
- 17: njan (afh) (Nov 17, 2002)
- 18: Saturnine (Nov 17, 2002)
- 19: njan (afh) (Nov 17, 2002)
- 20: Saturnine (Nov 17, 2002)
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