This is the Message Centre for Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Been too long...

Post 1

Mike A (snowblind)

Ain't spoken for a long time, eh? Hi, howareya?
Homepage is looking smarter and flashier than ever. Congratulations. I spent a fair amount of time tarting up mine actually hinthint smiley - winkeye

You're right about martial arts there. I got a yellow belt *^_^* in Jozu Ru and it really is all about perseverence, practise, discipline etc. Anyone who don't figure out to try a session or two in a dojo and then tell the sensei he don't respect them smiley - bigeyes

I have spent a whole weekend looking at underground bands, and to be honest I'm ripe in the mood for getting one a la Black Rose together (remember that?). Taught myself some bass riff which got me chuffed (Killers by Iron Maiden intro so of course I'm chuffed) though I've lost me textbook so I can't teach meself them scales an' everything y'need to know.

Keep On Growing and hopefully I'll see you up EMI place sometime smiley - winkeye lmfao...

Been too long...

Post 2

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!


Your dead right, it's been too long. Got your Maiden lyrics on an e-mail today, you'll have to learn to play them all you know!!

The band was out last night, my big bro came to see us, which is the first time in 20 or so years. I was pleased he was grinning from ear to ear by the end of the evening. He said he hadn't seen a pub gig for years, i'ts mainly been Pink Floyd and the likes! He managed to get a few great photos with the camera that I thrust at him, I'll send you some next week when I'm home again, the downloading lead is there - not here.

So how is your band going, or is it a mute subject?

Been too long...

Post 3

Mike A (snowblind)

The band is nothing. No band, no nothing, for the past many months. Please do not mention it again smiley - winkeye
Though you remember that Urchin kid who was in it? He's been getting good actually. He's really enthusiastic for me to play bass properly. I should try and jam with him sometime soon.

Great news from your front! Congratulations on that - good gig while you were at it, music wise? Will look forward to photo - email inbox's been a tad empty for the past ages smiley - sadfacesmiley - winkeye
Did I send you a photo of me with a smelly koala from summer holidays?

Checked out Maiden tabs on the 'net: far too dificult! Will improvise smiley - winkeye - must learn those scales!!!

Been too long...

Post 4

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Onwards and upwards my friend. No doubt in a couple of years you'll look at those tabs again, and it'll all fall into place. That said Steve is a tad on the good side, shame about the colour scheme on his guitars!!

Been too long...

Post 5

Mike A (snowblind)

Oh yes. Ditch those West Ham colours, and bring in some Bristol Rovers! smiley - bigeyes

To quote Chris Rea smiley - winkeye: "Can't you see I'm working on it..."
Seeing as it's half term I should start some serious bad-ass practising. Hmmmm, have I said that before?

Been too long...

Post 6

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Saying and doing - the two opposite sides of the same coin!!

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