This is the Message Centre for Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!
kindred soul
Room of 95 Started conversation Jun 17, 2001
Hi bassman. I am eighteen, studying engineering, and I play bass too. Spooky. Haven't been playing long, but played guitar for ages beforehand so that helps. Prefer prog rock to straightforward stuff though. Anyway, just thought I'd point out the unsettling coincidence. Cheers for the hot chocolate.
kindred soul
Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me! Posted Jul 7, 2001
Hi Gerbil,
Prog Rocks!!
Thanks for the message, I'll have to post you my band's web addy so you can see what I'm up to. We've been off the road for a bit as the singer (married to the guitarist) has just had her second baby.
We're getting back into rehersing next week, I can hardly wait.
Speak to you soon - tell me which bands you're into.....
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kindred soul
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