Journal Entries

The lake of Bliss, drink all and hail !!

After the successful conquest of Gnome-mans Land, Generals Obscure, Marv, and Loonytunes, retire to the lakeside to contemplate there next beer, I mean conquest.
Little do they know that the Tequila Liberation Army, have sent an assasin to the lake, armed with the dreaded 'prohibition' missile!!!!!

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Latest reply: Sep 19, 1999

Two Weeks On

 Well, I've had a thoroughly good time, from the serious to the sublime, and i did not even know how it really works.
I would like to thank (In no particular order, so do not get offende) the TowelMaster, Marv the Grate, Loonytunes, Kat, monshari, and anyone else that has visited this site.
Although, we do not seem to have the same following that we used to. I s it because I work to much, and do not have the time to just sit here for hours 'interacting' with, dare I call them " my friends", oh for more time!!!!
Adrian the Obscure

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Latest reply: Jul 8, 1999

Beer and Airport check ins continued

 Ah, thought I'd start this new thread as the others are taking a damn long time to load.
There seem to be a lot of little green, furyy, somethings approaching the moat, and they seem to have the check in desk with them.
Yes I can definitely see Mandy sitting on top of the desk with a feigned smile on her face.

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Latest reply: Jul 2, 1999

Gin and Tonic

 I find it difficult to believe that I am the first person to make a journal entry about one of the worlds finest alcoholic beverage.
The subtle taste of juniper berries with a dash of quinine, on a hot summers day, cold wet nad windy day, or night for that matter, oh to hell with it. 24 hours a day 365 days a year, would not be a bad thing, drip feed me, I don't care.
As for the planet Jinn & Tonique, could I please have the co-ordinates. Slonsha

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Latest reply: Jun 25, 1999


 What is it about customers, that no matter how much you impress on them that what they are planning to do is tantamount to commiting suicide, they still go ahead and do it.
I work in the hospitality industry, and we get these tour companies making meal plans for their customers, we tell them that what they cannot have 150 people ordering a la carte, at the same time. Of course invariably the tour companies have their heads so far up there rectums that they cannot understand that Jesus was the only person capable of feeding 5000 people at once, and this is open to debate, I still want to know where he got all that fish from, and what type of fly was he using?
If only (what a great saying, If only) they could be here when their customers start complaing that it took 45 minutes to get a piece of lettuce.

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Latest reply: Jun 24, 1999

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