This is the Message Centre for Skie

ah, she's back...

Post 1

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

hi, me again. i almost thought you forgot all about the Guide. it's rather fun once you roam around for five hours at a time (especially if you read all the way though ask h2g2...)... not that that I've ever done that.... er, yeah. smiley - smiley nah, i think i've only been on an hour at a time. but anyway, this is nice seeing you back. now all we need is to get chris un-ostracized and we'll have a nice little community going on. smiley - smiley not that we don't already...

~me (blithering on as usual)

ah, she's back...

Post 2


hm. i don't know, i'm not quite into it yet. interesting, but not enthralling. smiley - smiley

ah, she's back...

Post 3

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

I think (I'm not sure, I might have been, you know how it is with me) I was referring to how long it took all the forums to load... that's what takes so much time. Random searches are kinda fun, too, you really get kinda stuck in the web. AHHHH!!! I'm sounding insane, aren't I? (psst... answer's yes). Okay, yes, term paper outline. Must do. Bye now...

ps, i really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really miss mrs. potier... the things that Soliquey could be... even though i wasn't in it last year, i know it could be so much more...

*ties fingers together to stop typing, then unties realizing she must write her outline and cannot with fingers incapacitated...*

ah, she's back...

Post 4


ok, calm down.

yeah, it coud be a lot more. but even i was surprised at how poorly written most of the stuff was. i think a lot of the really good writers graduated last year, and that's one of the main problems. also, we need to do more publicizing (some stupid goat and a couple of posters won't do it). i think (i hope) the second submission drive will be better (i know at least i'm planning on submitting stuff smiley - smiley ). anyway, it will get better. things don't really pick up till the spring anyhow, and that will be the real test of woz's and lewis's compitence.

ah, she's back...

Post 5

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

calm now. smiley - smiley

i agree... most of what we got was either love poetry, teen angst, or those bizzare vegan poems. however, i don't think it was so much all the good writers graduated last year: just look at us (we're still here). i think it's more that we really didn't advertise. there hasn't beent any coherency to anything so far... like last year, they had that half-poetry, half-visual art (which, sometimes is the same thing) poster. that was it, but it got people's attention. (who came up with that, btw? tim's brother doug (paulson)? looks like something he would come up with). well, i'm planning on submitting something for the next drive, but i'm not sure what to submit yet.
just pray that we get off the goat thing... and a little more serious about the whole thing (and have fun, too, God knows it's possible). hey, is it just me or did the goat remind you of Woz at all? i'm not sure why it reminded me of him... must be the beard or something.

ah, she's back...

Post 6


i'm over the goat now. it pissed me off at first, but i really don't thinkit matters much anymore, not lik there's a whole lot of advertising. yeah, those posters last year were good. the meeting tuesday (that we're missing) they're thinking up a slogan for the t-shirts, hoepfully if we get those out, that'll pick up publicity a little. i think next year we should organize that in the wintewr so that by the second submission drive, it'll be out and have people's attention.

ok, am i really just incredibly unobservant? does woz have a beard? smiley - smiley

ah, she's back...

Post 7

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

yep, woz has a beard. and glasses, so for some reason he looked like the goat. i just wish i knew where the heck the goat idea came from... i mean, really now... a beatnik goat? a GOAT? haha, i think it more amused me than pissed me off.

t-shirts? cool. since i know the way the planning for this is going this year, could you be my back up and get an order form for me if it never reaches the announcements? (since you have him for class and all).

next year... wow, i don't even want to begin thinking about next year yet. i have to get though this year alive still.... smiley - smiley

ah, she's back...

Post 8


i knew he had glasses at least. smiley - winkeye

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