This is the Message Centre for mrs. slartibartfast

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 21

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

Well well well, fancy meeting johnnyr and mrs. slartibartfast here.

I was only searching for 'macadamia' as I am thinking of writing a user page about them.

Anyway, my favourite nuts are macadamia nuts (no sick or crude jokes please, because I have thought of them all) smiley - smiley

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 22


gidday Gazza
should nt be surprised to see mrs S here as its her forum
mind you i havnt seen her for a few days

theyre definitely best chocolate coated

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 23

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Here in Oz we get macadamias (they originated here) dipped in yoghurt chocolate, coated in butter toffee (YUM) or (my favourite) hot with a light dusting of chili powder.
Great - if you like your nuts hot. smiley - winkeye

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 24

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

I just love everythign with Macadamia nuts in (well with in reason). I like raw unroasted ones, roasted, chocolate and macadamia, ice cream. smiley - tongueout

Also not only did they originate in Oz, they originated in my home state Queensland. Hence you may sometimes here them called the Queensland nut.

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 25


Eh? You recognise me? You know who I am? My fame is clearly more widespread than I dared imagine. Johnnyr doesn't ring any bells for me, so tell me a) if I have completely misunderstood the situation - a common occurance on planet Bazzy, or b) where the blinkin' 'eck you know me from.


well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 26

mrs. slartibartfast

what's that got to do with macadamias? i'm lost.

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 27

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

Oh that's easy. *gets out his map* Ok, we are here, no hang on, *turns map upside down* Ok, we're here, and you need to go here. *turns pages, and map back up right way* Ops, wrong page. Ok, we are here, and you're there, so that makes this spot empty

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 28

mrs. slartibartfast

now that can't be right. ugh!! give me that map if you will mr. garabaldi. oh i can't find it. do pull over and ask for directions!!!

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 29

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

Oh look, there is a macadamia nut farm. Lets stop there, eat up heaps, and then ask for directions. Or I could keep on going.

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 30

mrs. slartibartfast

yes stopping is a good idea. i need to stretch. and i know how you like your nuts.

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 31

mrs. slartibartfast

oh my. i hope my last post isn't taken out of context.

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 32

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

Too late for that one Mrs Slartibartfast. smiley - smiley

*pulls the car over* Ok, lets get some Macadamia Nuts, well I get some macadamia nuts while you ask for directions.

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 33

mrs. slartibartfast

wait a minute, this isn't a nut farm at all!!! run garabaldi!!!!!!

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 34

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

*starts to run*

Um, what sort of farm is it? Or shouldn't I ask?

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 35


I stumbled on this conversation and have read it, entry by entry, and I have no idea what it is about! Nuts, sqirrels, bovine, green grass? Have I foolishly chosen to reply to sheer nonsense? And if so, how should I reply. What input could I have to fit in here? ......I know? ....Has anyone read Animal Farm?

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 36

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

yeah, I think you hit it on the head, though I haven't read Animal Farm.

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 37


It's a great book, great title! But since it is about society, socialism and the weaknesses of capitalism, maybe I should have suggested Rudyard Kipling's Jungle book!

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 38


and a much gentler introduction to George Orwell than 1984. btw if you're going to read 1984 you have to read Aldous Huxley's A Brave New Wrold too, just so you get really depressed.

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 39

mrs. slartibartfast

i'm afraid i can't read any of them as i am illi....illit........em i can't read.

well it's my entry so i should be the first to reply, i should think

Post 40


that explains so much smiley - smiley

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