Edited Entries
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ID | Title | Created |
A666209 | Nine Men's Morris - the Game | Jan 23, 2002 |
A666227 | Wirral Peninsula, Merseyside, UK | Jan 21, 2002 |
A666236 | Ferncliff Peninsula, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, USA | Jan 16, 2002 |
A666858 | Turkish Steam Baths, Ironmonger Row, London | Jan 9, 2002 |
A659388 | Glogg | Dec 27, 2001 |
A633098 | Sleep and Teenagers | Dec 18, 2001 |
A627716 | So You Want to Write a Play! | Oct 24, 2001 |
A627707 | Lunch in Georgetown, Seattle, Washington, USA | Oct 23, 2001 |
A627699 | Costumed Character Etiquette | Oct 23, 2001 |
A627680 | Krazy Kat - the Comic Strip | Oct 22, 2001 |
A610796 | 'Doctor Who' - a Critique of the Early Days | Oct 5, 2001 |
A612307 | Aesop and his Fables | Oct 3, 2001 |
A613063 | B-Movies - a Guide to Some of the Best, the Worst and the Strange | Oct 1, 2001 |
A613054 | Concepts from Fiction | Sep 25, 2001 |
A613045 | Boston Molasses Tragedy of 1919 | Sep 19, 2001 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."