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28.12.2017 - Childermass

Post 1


The 28th of December is Childermass, a day to commemorate the Massacre of the Innocents. This, which can be read about in Matthew, took place when Herod the Great decided to kill all boys born in Bethlehem when he heard from the Wise Men, Kings or Magi, whichever you want to call them, that a baby had been born who would be king. The Coventry Carol is a Christmas carol all about it:

smiley - angelHerod the king, in his raging,
smiley - angelCharged he hath this day
smiley - angelHis men of might in his own sight
smiley - angelAll young children to slay.

Traditionally in England before the 17th Century, Childermass was commemorated by dragging children out of bed and beating them, in order to make them grateful for being alive. This tradition fortunately has died out, but I couldn't resist telling the children about it and saying that instead of being beaten, today they'll be tickled. All morning whenever they've spotted me they've burst into giggles, and run away before shouting in a giggly manner, 'We're hiding in our room!'


28.12.2017 - Childermass

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Bluebottle, your approach to reconciling with history is both original and laudable. smiley - applausesmiley - rofl

28.12.2017 - Childermass

Post 3


It kept them amused throughout the day. All I had to do was raise my arms and spread my fingers and they'd run off giggling. smiley - biggrin

I honestly think there's a place in the smiley - earth for the new, improved Childermass...


28.12.2017 - Childermass

Post 4

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

And nobody in your house said, 'There's nothing to do! I'm bored!' smiley - rofl

28.12.2017 - Childermass

Post 5

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

So my birthday spanks have been even more traditional than I thoughtsmiley - laugh (HappyDude's, too.)

28.12.2017 - Childermass

Post 6


Happy Birthday! smiley - cakesmiley - candlesmiley - bubbly


28.12.2017 - Childermass

Post 7

SashaQ - happysad

"I honestly think there's a place in the smiley - earth for the new, improved Childermass..."

smiley - laughsmiley - ok Yes indeed!

I know the tune of the Coventry Carol well, as I've heard it in various versions including the extremes of computer generated and a treble recorder duet, but I have never heard/seen that it has words, so that's fascinating...

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