
Have you noticed how many different spellings there are for this greeting, and how each of those spellings indicates a different tone or meaning? For example, 'hallo' sounds offensively jolly, possibly derived from a hunting-cry and very public-schooly and outdoorsish. 'Hullo' looks rather glum, and 'hollo' both glum and eccentric - too much like Tennyson's 'Hollow, hollow, hollow, all delight'. 'Hello' is sort of the vanilla of hellos (or vanello of hillas), bland and unappetising but fits most situations. Of course all this is entirely culturally determined - I'm sure speakers of languages other than British English see the problem in quite another light. I have adopted 'Hiya' as a greeting in written usage, but when spoken, I find my friends and colleagues tend to hear it as 'How are ya?' and give unnecessarily long replies. So let me know your favourite (clean) salutation and help me in my campaign for culturally non-specific greetings.

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Mornin' Jun 24, 1999


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Researcher 43259

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