Journal Entries

format c:

There is nothing that you can type into a PC that makes you feel more powerful.

"Ha-HA! Your days are numbered you insignificant pile of data."

Of course, more rewarding is when you happen to be formatting to rid yourself of a Microsoft OS (only to install a new one, but at least your PC is free of that Microsoft aftertaste for a few seconds).

Sometimes I enjoy calling up a DOS prompt at home on my computer, typing format c:, and just hovering my hand over the enter key. It's better than a rollercoaster ride, but only a particularly crappy one.

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Latest reply: Jun 29, 1999

Clickity-Clack Keyboards

I miss those old clickity-clack keyboards that was the staple of IBM compatables in the 1980's.

Now, what do I mean by clickity-clack keyboards? Clickity-clack keabords are the ones that click when you press any key. It is not only a click you can hear, it is a click you can feel as well. For some one reason I can type about twice as fast on them.

Today you can only find tappity-tap keyboards. They are just far less aesthetically pleasing as a percussion instrument.

I figure if I have to get a repetitive motion injury, I should be able to enjoy getting it.

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Latest reply: Jun 28, 1999



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Latest reply: Jun 16, 1999


As I start a new semester, I am reminded of my friend that I probably will not be seeing that much of in the coming weeks... sleep.

It really is the one thing I miss about my childhood. I could sleep as much as I wanted to when I was young. Ah what great time that was.

Of course, now it is the other 2/3 of life that's enjoyable. And to be honest that is more important (not that I don't enjoy sleep now, mind you, I just have to sleep out of pure utility sometimes, and that ruins the experience)  

So hello coffee, goodbye sleep.

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Latest reply: Jun 9, 1999

Summer School

Well Monday means back to work. I'm so lucky I have something I enjoy, other than gloating that is.

Wednesday starts Summer Session here at Penn State, and I'm not quite psyched for it. I need the credits and I can only take the worthless courses that the university perscribes because stuff like Quantum Mechanics can't be taught in 8 weeks ::sigh::

My work is great though. I build instruments for a ten meter telescope Penn State is building in Texas. We call it the Hobby-Eberly Telescope or for short, the HET. We don't pronounce the acronym as a word here (we say H-E-T) but people in Stanford do. Of course they didn't think of it so pronounce it our way or die.

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Latest reply: Jun 7, 1999

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