This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4601


Happy Birthday Kotch. smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale

Sometimes Gandalf, I think I have my own personal mod.

Nothing to do with me of course. It's the company I keep. smiley - grr

smiley - whistle

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4602

McNamara That Ghost

Happy Birthday Kotch.

smiley - ok

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4603


cheers guys!! smiley - cheers

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4604


Lunch over and I am still starvingsmiley - grr

I hate it when that happens smiley - grr

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4605


I haven't had lunch. I've decided to ermmmm, 'work' through lunch and then go hame at 2pm. smiley - erm

Bloody hungry though. smiley - grr

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4606


not eating lunch today, saving myself for my monsta dinner!!! 2 15inch pizzas, one meat feast drenched in hot sauce and the other hawaian!!smiley - coolsmiley - ok

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4607

McNamara That Ghost

Two 15 inch pizzas? Jesus wept.

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4608


yer i know, apparently i mentioned at some point that i could demolish 2 15inch pizzas, so my mrs thought she'd hold me to my word and order it for dinner tonight, she's going for a measly 10inch single!! smiley - laugh

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4609


no inuendos please!!!! smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4610


2 15 inch pizzas? Just for you or are you sharing them with somebody? smiley - erm

Always loved a hawaiian pizza. smiley - ok Italians will tell you that you shouldn't put pineapple on a pizza but that only proves than Italians know nothing about pizza. smiley - grr

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4611


yer just for me!! smiley - winkeye

i love hawaian too, but someone told me its the most chaviest style topping, i think what they meant by chavy was common, but hey ho i like it!

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4612

McNamara That Ghost

Hawaiian pizza is always what I go for Lizard. smiley - ok It's the right choice.

Kotch, well good luck with it.

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4613


Yeah, best of luck Kotch. smiley - ok

I'm sure you've been in training to prepare for it. smiley - erm

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4614


Happy Birthday Kotch!

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4615


well a pizza every other day for lunch may count as training!!smiley - laugh

they really shouldnt have cheap pizzas in our canteen, if only they had cereal too, id be in my element!
just want to point out tho, my diet consists of more than pizza and cereal!!smiley - laugh

it also has raspberry yop in it too!! smiley - laugh

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4616


thanks cazsmiley - hug

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4617


wheres rik these days?? need to let him know i got the hotel booked!?smiley - erm

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4618


Incidentally, I'm not sure if anybody's noticed but I gave us a new thread title a while back. smiley - ok

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4619

McNamara That Ghost

I did notice it but didn't want to divert the mods attention to it.

smiley - whistle

Kotch, there's nothing wrong with that kind of diet if it was your diet.

smiley - ale

The Happy Hooker's Bordello

Post 4620


I noticed it straight away - and changed it to something else - but noticed that it went back to you choice Lizard smiley - bubbly

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