This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4541


Looks like nobody else has bothered to get out of bed, Caz. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4542


Hello smiley - bubbly

WTF happened to 1xtra?

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4543


Blimey Holly, haven't seen your name pop up here for yonks. Of course some of that may have been due to some of my enforced exiles. smiley - whistle

They closed the 1xtra boards down so we're reduced to this place.

All good with you?

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4544


Hi Holly smiley - bubbly

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4545


Morning Holly smiley - ok

Caz, Jack and Reba - take it that its to early for Mac smiley - ok

Did you know the Bee Gees used to be called The Tossas? smiley - evilgrin

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4546



Hi PSD smiley - evilgrin

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4547


Everything is great here thanks LL smiley - hug

How is everyone?

PSD did I hear something about you going to Iceland for a curry or was I drunk when I read that post of Andy's smiley - whistle

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4548


smiley - laugh Andy would have been drunk when he posted it smiley - laughsmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

He was thinking of going to Rekyavic next year for his 50th for a curry - but when we priced it its bloomin astronomical to get there.

So I think he has decided Krakow now smiley - erm

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4549


smiley - laugh

I told Ste about it and he looked at me like I'd gone mad and thought I meant the shop Iceland!

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4550


Well, Iceland is famous for its curries. smiley - erm

As is Poland. smiley - erm

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4551


Iceland the shop smiley - laugh

Well we never got to Krakow this year coz of that stoopid volcano smiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grr

I really fancy Iceland but its his birthday so for once I have to grit my teeth and let him decide smiley - grr

Which is not easy smiley - evilgrin

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4552


smiley - laugh

If Mr PSD ate curry in Iceland and then breathed, the country would be renamed 'land' I've never known anyone stand curry as hot.

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4553


smiley - laugh

I will have to make sure that I sit at the other side of the plane on they way home wherever we go smiley - laugh

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4554


So he really is a dragon then? smiley - erm

Time for a cuppa. smiley - ok

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4555


Korma is spicey to me smiley - laugh

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4556

McNamara That Ghost

Morning people.

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4557


Morning Mac smiley - ok

I love all curries smiley - ok and have been known to eat them every day of the week smiley - laugh

Holly have you been on the Foodie board - they did away with the Chatterbox but the bickering has just moved onto other threads smiley - laugh

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4558

McNamara That Ghost

Curry everyday of the week? I can't even manage that with chicken.

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4559


Morning Mac. smiley - ok

Tea break has only just finished and already I'm thinking about lunch. smiley - sadface

The Flying Headbutt.

Post 4560


I had a quick look at it this morning and it made my eyes go funny, why can't they just leave things alone smiley - grr

Caz, I like madras strength and below, Mr PSD's are like extra hot vindaloo.

Morning Mac smiley - hug

Haven't got a clue what to have for lunch, chicken supernoodles or mushroom soup smiley - erm

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