This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3521


Morning smiley - holly Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better at least.

Mine broke up nearly a month ago now and doesn't return until 3rd September!!

smiley - yikes

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3522


Morning Holly, Glad your feeling better.

Do you ever think your other half has lost his marbles?

H was telling me off last night because the was a piece of cheese in the sinksmiley - erm & this morning sulking at me because there was chicken shavings in the bin....What planet is he on smiley - tongueout

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3523


Morning Purp smiley - hug

I think mine frequently loses his marbles smiley - rofl I got shouted at last night for being in bed sick and he'd left a binbag in the garden with remnants of Mondays bbq in it, and cats had got it and there was food all over the garden smiley - grr

My fault of course I'm bloody telephathic smiley - doh

How the hell can I hear cats in the back garden when I'm in the front bedroom, bloody idiot smiley - grr

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3524

Devonian Fossil

Morning all, I see our menfolk are behaving themselves as usual smiley - rofl - went out for a drink yesterday with ex-OH just to shut him up, he wants me back what a surprise, no chance mate smiley - cheers

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3525


Men eh, H, who wanted sweet f a to do with my chickens is now an expert & knows best, he let the big chicks out this morning, how they will get back in when the house is 3 foot off the ground gawd knows.

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3526

Devonian Fossil

smiley - somersault

Got very smiley - drunk and now a bit smiley - hangover, there's a surprise eh smiley - biggrin

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3527


Hangover Dev? Be carful drinking with ex's, it normaly land you in a smiley - wah or even worse smiley - yikes in bed.

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3528


Hiya Dev smiley - hug

All men are useless except the Captain of course smiley - whistle

Drinking with the Ex, no wonder you had a few too many hun, stay strong smiley - biggrin

Purp, H would have to think about that and the majority of men don't bloody think smiley - laugh

Dem Men....

Post 3529


Morning All,

Dont even get me started on the Incredible Sulk smiley - grr

He is up to his old tricks again - started on Monday night and kept it up all day yesterday and all last night smiley - grr.

The annoying thing is I rise up to it every time and then get the blame for losing the plot at him. My head is so wrecked I took my smiley - monster to a football game yesterday that was not on until today smiley - doh

smiley - dragonsmiley - grr

Dem Men....

Post 3530

Devonian Fossil

Ooh, good one PSD, we should have a psychopathic smiley, maybe a bit like this smiley - lurk but with an axe smiley - ok

Dem Men....

Post 3531


smiley - hug for PSD, Think I know exactly what you are going throughsmiley - hug

Dem Men....

Post 3532


smiley - dragonsmiley - hug

They should all be sent to the sodding moon smiley - grr

Dem Men....

Post 3533


smiley - hug thanks hun I noticed that you seem to be having the same problems with H.

I am spitting fire as I type smiley - grr

smiley - dragon

Dem Men....

Post 3534


Agree Hollysmiley - ok, although can I have mine back for half an hour on Friday, a bit of sex, money for the dog & house keeping doshsmiley - smiley

Dem Men....

Post 3535


PSD, H can be a pain in the butt at times, especially when not sober etc, he bullies & plays stupid mind games, twists everything as if its me that is loony tunes, he says he is just winding me up but he can be a bully.

I love him to bits thoughsmiley - smooch

Dem Men....

Post 3536


Purps smiley - hug sounds exactly like mine - i feel as if just going round and round and round on the roundabout and that I keep coming back to the same place and NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

Now the notion in his head is that the problem is mine and its up to me to sort myself out and be part of the family:

Thank you for your considerate thoughts on your lovely wife who you promised to support, I bow down to your superior knowledge and will attempt to take things on board and become miore like the wife you want smiley - devil.

smiley - dragon

Dem Men....

Post 3537


smiley - laugh PSD, H keeps calling me a nutter & saying I've lost the plot & need to sort itsmiley - erm

Might come in handy when I'm up for manslaughter smiley - winkeye

Dem Men....

Post 3538


smiley - rofl

They're all the bloody same. Mine is exactly the same as your 2's when he's had a drink, what you doing on that computer, why were you talking to him etc. etc. etc. smiley - grr

He winds me up to the point where I end up hitting him and not feeling guilty the day after smiley - evilgrin

BUILD A BRIDGE AND GET OVER IT!!!!!!!! springs to mind.

Dem Men....

Post 3539


I am glad I live on my own!!!!

If you don't include the CFH!!!

smiley - rofl

Dem Men....

Post 3540

Devonian Fossil

Holly, you could set up a company doing bridge building smiley - devil the amount of times I've seen you say it! smiley - rofl

I think men are worse when they're trying to crawl round you 'cos they want something, at least when they're being obnoxious you know where you stand and you get to be obnoxious right back at 'em smiley - cheers

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