This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3501


When I had that virus the other week and couldn't keep very much down for five days jelly was something I managed and apple slices - although I cant stand apple smiley - steam.

The Incredible Sulk got me a little pot of I am sure it was apple jelly but maybe it was lime jelly now thinking of it. Recommended to him when he had the dragonlet at the hospital as we thought he was dehyrdrating.

That and ginger and lemongrass herbal tea.

Hope you get better there is nothing worse than feeling poorly smiley - hug

smiley - dragon

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3502

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Hope everyone who isnt feeling too well feels better soon!

My resolve is being severely tested. I think i might go out tonight for a cheeky few, but it doesnt count, cos it'll only be a couple. smiley - blush

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3503


Dont worry Cap'n we wont look when you go onto the third and fourth Kroney.

Although please tell me that you are not going out with the stalker who sent you 11 texts smiley - yikes

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3504

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Nooo, course not!

smiley - whistle

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3505


smiley - whistle

TTFN off to walk the hound.

And have a couple of smiley - ales

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3506

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

I might resist yet! I'll drive past the pub and see if i feel drawn to it on the way home. smiley - whistle

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3507


"I think i might go out tonight for a cheeky few"

Cap'n smiley - winkeyesmiley - cheers

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3508


I was thinking that there is an awful lot of cheekiness about today smiley - whistle

Dam that phone that rings when I am about to clock out - and it stays silent the rest of the day smiley - steam

Right off now really and honestly and no that is not the smell.

smiley - dragon

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3509


Bye smiley - dragon have a good night smiley - cheers

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3510


smiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run woohoo hometime!!!

Dinner then bed for me tonight i think - shattered!! Will really have to get some work done 2mrw!! smiley - erm

smiley - hugs all round xx

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3511

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Arghh i really should have gone out tonight! Then i wouldnt have to listen to dim bints on th pov board. smiley - whistle

Night night all smiley - winkeye

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3512


I know theres noone there but smiley - boing
just so you remember me!
Holly, PSD, Dev?.... how you coping if they've already broken up!?

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3513


Aye aye Capn!

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3514

Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Its Sunny At Last

Post 3515


Hello Dee and Cappy...

oph gosh, how binty are them lot on the Eastenders thread being?!
smiley - grr

Cause CLEARLY Tanya is an angel?! smiley - doh

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3516


smiley - grr

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3517

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Sorry Printsy!

Yeh i know, i'll give em what for tomorrow smiley - whistle

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3518


smiley - boing

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3519


smiley - boing

Morning Carol smiley - hug

Not as smiley - ill today thankfully and the sun is trying to come out.

I'm having the whole of the back garden done today - wooden decking everywhere.

Its Sunny At Last

Post 3520


Oh forgot to say smiley - doh

Sorry we missed each other again deedee smiley - hug My smiley - monster finish school at 2pm today for 7 weeks smiley - yikessmiley - yikessmiley - yikes

I'll be sectioned by next Monday smiley - rofl

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