Journal Entries

I'm Back!!!!(I Think!LOL)

Gee!!! I managed to make it back!

Now all I gotta do is to catch up my ACE duties......and get rid of my alter ego!!!LOL

"Goodnight Sweet Princess, Whoever You Are!"


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Latest reply: Jul 8, 2000


As most know, Monsy took "early retirement"!!!(Kidding, Monsy....put the gun down!!!!LOL)

Actually....guys! If you can pull this off...DO IT!!! For a week and a half household has run SSOOO SSMMMOOOTH!!! We have had none of those last minute "emergencies" that seemed to come up on a daily basis!

There is someone here to run the household!.....ALL DAY!!! (The girls think it sux!!!....must be a good thing!!LOL)

Hope we can keep it going! It's the best way!

A note to any "feminists".....don't comment...... Monsy will rip your brain out!!!(if you have one!!LOL)...........

........(Reckon that should start sumpthin' huh!!LOL)

"Goodnight Sweet Princess, Whoever You Are!"


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Latest reply: Jun 20, 2000

Porn .....Definition Please!

OK......We want a place to dicuss this.......

Keep in mind that one persons definition of porn is another's definition of art! Touchy subject, but ya'll have fun!!!

Goodnight Sweet Princess, Whoever you are!"


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Latest reply: Jun 3, 2000

Just for My Reference....

Party Saturday at . Must go....and must tell folks.

This should be good!!!

"Goodnight Sweet Princess, Whoever You Are!"


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Latest reply: Jun 1, 2000

"Goin' to a Party"!

Just adding a reminder for myself. CyyStCyr is having a party Saturday, and I don't want to miss it!smiley - smiley

"Goodnight Sweet Princess, Whoever You Are!"


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Latest reply: May 30, 2000

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