This is the Message Centre for Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)
on the plane....
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Oct 17, 2000
Probably the latter.
on the plane....
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Oct 18, 2000
I thought as much.
So everyone's back on the plane now, are they?
on the plane....
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Oct 18, 2000
Hang on... can you tell us where we are?
on the plane....
Abi Posted Oct 18, 2000
sorry I am just the navigator! have you tried sticking your head out the window?
on the plane....
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Oct 18, 2000
No, they don't open.
*wonders if he should be worried that the navigator doesn't know where they are*
on the plane....
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Oct 18, 2000
*looks worried*
on the plane....
I'm not really here Posted Oct 18, 2000
As the stewardess I'd recommend that you don't stick your head out of the window.
on the plane....
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Oct 18, 2000
I wasn't going to anyway, but thanks.
on the plane....
Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years) Posted Oct 18, 2000
*suddenly notices stewardess*
Do stewardesses normally carry a whip?
on the plane....
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Oct 18, 2000
Depends which airline you fly with.
on the plane....
I'm not really here Posted Oct 19, 2000
Definitely not a Virgin in sight.
It's not a very big whip. It won't cause a problem.
on the plane....
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Oct 19, 2000
Are you allowed to bring things like that through customs?
on the plane....
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Oct 19, 2000
They don't? That is a surprise.
on the plane....
I'm not really here Posted Oct 19, 2000
I didn't come through customs. I came through the costume shop. But when I went back out of the changing room I was on this plane.
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on the plane....
- 241: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Oct 17, 2000)
- 242: Abi (Oct 18, 2000)
- 243: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Oct 18, 2000)
- 244: Abi (Oct 18, 2000)
- 245: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Oct 18, 2000)
- 246: Abi (Oct 18, 2000)
- 247: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Oct 18, 2000)
- 248: Abi (Oct 18, 2000)
- 249: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Oct 18, 2000)
- 250: I'm not really here (Oct 18, 2000)
- 251: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Oct 18, 2000)
- 252: Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years) (Oct 18, 2000)
- 253: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Oct 18, 2000)
- 254: Drop Dead Gorgeous Demonic Babe (Oct 19, 2000)
- 255: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Oct 19, 2000)
- 256: I'm not really here (Oct 19, 2000)
- 257: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Oct 19, 2000)
- 258: I'm not really here (Oct 19, 2000)
- 259: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Oct 19, 2000)
- 260: I'm not really here (Oct 19, 2000)
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