Journal Entries

Douglas Adams

See "Genius". 

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Latest reply: Jun 11, 1999


See "Douglas Adams". 

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Latest reply: Jun 11, 1999


what 95% of the "internet" is comprised of.
If you wanted to search on where in ohio to get the best
gumbo, I suggest trying a search on "adult+pictures".
now, if you really do want to search for "PORN" i suggest trying,
"gumbo+ohio". That is how the net works. imagine my surprise when
i so happened to try a search on "prick"(an actual rock group) and
had to wade through 354 links to homosexual pages. 

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Latest reply: May 29, 1999

the art of killing and fear of death

being my first journal entry dont expect much...
today was a great day went to a mall with a few friends that i havnt hung out with in months weather it be college, job(different scheduals)
or the fact that they went into the army, one of my friends recently got out of the army for a few months leave
the other just graduated from a very nice law school but we being
the fans of senceless violence decided to try out this new fad in our area called "laser tag"
well it was fun, see you shoot at eachother with a laser beam and a computer keeps track of your score
so theres no "i shot you." "no you didnt" and we had a lot of fun. my friend who just got out of the army
did well(hmmm could it be that she had training in the art of war?!?!?)
when we got done we went to a local place to eat and all the while she(the one who just got out of the army)
talked about how she can kill with a few punches, then my other friend who took 10 years of tai-kwan-do
challenged her to a slap fight(no death blows allowed) well i sat down and watched. i never took any kind of self defense course
or joined the army so i have virtually no fighting skills what-so-ever
hell i cant even run away(due to smoking) but to watch my friands go at it fists a blazing was trully awe inspiring
it made me think that i am really glad that these people are my friends and not after me.
it was durring a rather nice round house that i decided to challenge them to another laser tag match...... something
that required virtually no skill other than luck.

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Latest reply: May 27, 1999

MTV dosnt the"M" mean Music?

today was an uneventful day, had a little time off of work, so i thought i would see what was on the "boob-tube"
and i stoped on MTV, well in the beggining MTV was a music television station that played.....(drum roll) videos!!!!
i am 25 and i remember when MTV come on the air and then they actually had more videos than shows. what happened. did i miss a meeting?

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Latest reply: May 24, 1999

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