This is a Journal entry by Researcher 40271

MTV dosnt the"M" mean Music?

Post 1

Researcher 40271

today was an uneventful day, had a little time off of work, so i thought i would see what was on the "boob-tube"
and i stoped on MTV, well in the beggining MTV was a music television station that played.....(drum roll) videos!!!!
i am 25 and i remember when MTV come on the air and then they actually had more videos than shows. what happened. did i miss a meeting?

MTV doesn't the"M" mean Music?

Post 2


Only if you have satellite. And you have to call it M2, not MTV.

MTV (1) has become the festering boil of saccharine and commercialism. Pouring salt on the wounds of the viewing public would hurt, so we appease their need to be entertained by slathering this concoction over their consciousnesses.

But at least MTV spawned one pure thing: Beavis and Butthead. They're art, man.

I want my Cornholio!

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MTV dosnt the"M" mean Music?

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