This is the Message Centre for Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

About that cartoon...

Post 1

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Since I have something that, at a distance, might be mistaken for talent at cartooning, I gotta know how you managed to post that cartoon (which I'm assuming is yours). I'd already looked into posting things here, and according to the Don't Panic section, this site currently has no method for uploading stuff from home. So how'd you do it. Did you use a third party site or what?

About that cartoon...

Post 2

Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

I put the cartoon on some webspace I have somewhere else and then pointed the image URL in that direction. If you've done any HTML stuff it's fairly simple. If not I can TRY to explain it a bit more... smiley - smiley hope that helps

About that cartoon...

Post 3

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Yeah, it helps. Fortunately for me, I also have some webspace where I can stick some stuff up. Thanks.

About that cartoon...

Post 4

Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

wow! that was (almost) like being helpful

About that cartoon...

Post 5

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Hey. You were pretty helpful with that whole "word wrapping" problem on my home pa-... oh wait, that was the other guy. Silly me.

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