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Here, Martha, this is for you...


(Xmas is over. Fine. But the new holiday funny ("Dear Santa") is relevant all year long. smiley - winkeye)

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Latest reply: Jan 7, 2000

The laughs...

I've been wondering whether or not to leave a new fish in the position next to the laughs lead link. I'm always putting things up lately (and I have a bunch more collected waiting on GuideMLization), so there's always (or often) something new there. The trouble is... Well.. the troubles are...

I made myself a promise that whenever I updated this page (intro) with new links, I would -remove- the old 'new' tags when I put new ones up. One thing I'm not personally fond of is going to a page and seeing "Brand new ya gotta see this it's totally awesome" images next to a link, finding that the 'new' wore off 3 years ago.

Now.. don't get me wrong. I'm not saying a thing about 'under construction' (see guide entry on "Under Construction" smiley - winkeye) pages not being updated. After all... the only other 'complete' site I've got still has the page I wrote before I knew what 'html' -was- much less knew how it worked (whether that's a rave or rant for wysiwyg editors is still pending, thought the outlook isn't too bright smiley - winkeye) and has been in dire need of a re-write for ages.

Oohh.. that one was a long one.. to continue...

The link only points to one page (the original) and there has been.. erm.. several pages added that are only linked to from the right margin of what I call my 'joke collection' ... So the pointer itself does -not- link to a new page. (I know.. I could just bring all the links to the front, but I don't like the clutter. smiley - sadface)

When I set out, there were more.. but wouldn't ya know I've either forgotten them or just don't feel like continuing? smiley - winkeye


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Latest reply: Jan 6, 2000


Okay, brief history (really brief, as it has little^Wno direct bearing on this entry):

A lady who's ISP was banned from an IRC network because of lame luser(s) there wrote her opinion to a mailing list of discussion of that network (the wrong list -- they have several -- but that's beside the point). A rather crude reply was drafted by a Dilbert fan and sent to the same list, calling her stupid (I thought that was rather lame, too, but that's yet another aside -- at least he had a great little snippet in his sig smiley - winkeye). She, of course, being slightly offended, replied to his reply (we're still on the wrong list.. but the thread goes on forever so I suppose that's a mass-stupidity thing smiley - winkeye).
Unfortunately, her opening line disproved her own theory:
"Stupid hardly I have a college education."
(Yes, that's a direct C&P quote. smiley - winkeye)

I know an unfortunately large amount of stupid people with college degrees, even Masters and PhDs. Stupidity has nothing to do with education, how many famous dead people you can quote, or how much your residence is taxed every year. It has to do with how much (or how little, more precisely) common sense you actually display in your day-to-day life.

An very wise old farmer who used to live down the road from me (though that description is not exactly accurate: he was not all that old even when he died, and until he retired from his 30-some-odd-year job as the high school Maintenance Supervisor he was only a part-time farmer) had a penchant for saying, "I wonder how many years and how many thousands of dollars it took for that guy to get that stupid." He, of course, was refering to a college education. He would always say it with a smile on his face, and everyone would laugh, but we all knew precisely what he meant and we also knew he -meant- it. We also knew he was right.

PS: The "great little snippet in his sig" was:

"Out the 10Base-T, through the router, down the T1's, over the leased
line, off the bridge, past the firewall...nothing but Net."
--from .sig of Eric Whitehill

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Latest reply: Dec 11, 1999

LOL and a Happy Dance!

I guess it's good for me that the 'unsubmit' feature isn't all that reliable!

Even us mice have our bad days and let better judgement slip to the wayside from time to time, and I'm no exception. It would figure that the one time I come in with a temper tantrum going and yank a page, that is THE one that gets my FIRST GUIDE ENTRY!! (WOOHOO!!smiley - bigeyes)

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Latest reply: Dec 2, 1999


smiley - musicalnote Goodnight, Irene, goodnight Irene. I'll see you in my dreams, Irene smiley - musicalnote

Wait! WTF's Irene and why would she be invading my dreams?!? I have them well-planned.. timed! I have appointments, regular stopovers, lots of places to be and a short time to visit them all!!! I don't have -time- for this Ire-- erm.. oh.. Sowwy.. Was just a song. *blush*

smiley - fishsmiley - winkeyesmiley - fish

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Latest reply: Nov 10, 1999

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