Journal Entries


I'm bored today.. I went to work, but it was raining, and I had to stay indoor in the church, and couldn't drive around on my lawn mower..

I really missed it.

I hope you don't think I'm crazy. I'm not. It's just that I need structure in my life. I need to know what I'm supposed to do, I can't show up at work thinking that I'm going to drive around in my lawn mower and then have to sit indoor sipping tea all day.

Hey, I'm writing a book about my life, and this was a very boring day. If I try hard, very hard that is.. I'll might be able to write 2 sentences about this day....

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Latest reply: Jul 6, 2000

Just a normal day...

well, it all started out just like all the other days, ie. eating another bowl of foul tasting breakfast cereals, going to school, eating one plain burger at the schools cafeteria, going home, playing the piano a couple of hours, going to the library, going home again, eating dinner, reading all the book I borrowed on the library, including those I have already read once before, watching the news, finding out which target NATO missed today..

And now you think that I'm going to say that it wasn't a normal day.

But it was.

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Latest reply: May 21, 1999

Just a normal day...

well, it all started out just like all the other days, ie. eating another bowl of foul tasting breakfast cereals, going to school, eating one plain burger at the schools cafeteria, going home, playing the piano a couple of hours, going to the library, going home again, eating dinner, reading all the book I borrowed on the library, including those I have already read once before, watching the news, finding out which target NATO missed today..

And now you think that I'm going to say that it wasn't a normal day.

But it was.

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Latest reply: May 21, 1999

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