Welcome, welcome to my little corner of the universe...
I am the Lizard King - I can do anything!
That's how it all began: I quit smoking. And yes, if I can do that (and it seems I can, 'cause we're nearing the one-year-mark!), I certainly can do anything!
Right now I'm busy finding my place in life once again (a regularly recurring theme), which is never easy but what's life without a challenge? So it's good to be here once in a while, to remind myself that I *can* do anything!!
(yes I sometimes need the reminder ...)
I think a lot, I doubt a lot, I work a lot, I sleep a lot, ....
but I don't laugh enough. Should work on that!
Please don't hesitate to drop me a line, I do crave attention (yes always) though not often ask for it.
The Lizard King
For those who want some details in order to have a better idea of me:
I love/like:
cats (have 2) ,
wodka \%/, wine , G&T <need a G&T smiley!>,
playing pool (am not bad at all), darts (am crap), boardgames (hardly ever do it but managed to beat an englishman at scrabble and it's not even my native language so am proud),
monty python (yes *and* fawlty towers),
popmusic (must mention all-time favourite 70s David Bowie, also Pink Floyd, all other great ones left unmentioned),
jazz music,
classical music,
dance (ballet, contemporary),
lively discussions (haven't had any for ages!),
good books (yeah who doesn't),
good food (yes *and* cooking it!!!)
... to mention but a few things
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Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Join Here! | Apr 17, 2007 |
ACE's welcome _Lizard_King! | Apr 16, 2007 |
Hello.. | Nov 6, 2006 |
Thanks | Oct 13, 2006 |
Hi Lizard King | Oct 9, 2006 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread | Jun 20, 2007 | Aug 4, 2024 |
Bin Laden Dead | No Posting | Jan 25, 2021 |
Where can I find tardigrades? | No Posting | May 25, 2020 |
SEx: Why does it hurt | No Posting | May 14, 2020 |
SEx: Does freezing dead bodies kill any diseases they may have? | No Posting | Sep 12, 2019 |
Lizard King --- I can do anything!
Researcher U3969543
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