This is the Message Centre for Sir_Head

The Weather

Post 1


It is a Sunday afternoon in mid-winter over here in the antipodean
land of Australia and I am stuck here doing work. This would usually
lead to the standard complaint routine that I get into whenever I have
so much work piled up that I have to come in on Sunday to clear it.

This week however I have been promoted and therefore on this one Sunday
I am actually not complaining because the extra work has led to a pay
rise so that I can now spend more money on the things I like.

The other thing that is keeping me in good spirits this afternoon is
that it is sleeting and blowing a bit of a gale outside and I am inside
and not out there freezing my butt off doing outdoorsey things.

These good spirits will change however because I know that I will most
likeley be spending more Sunday afternoons at work because of the
promotion and therefore not really getting much advantage out of the

Not really related to the weather but it is in there somewhere.

Signing off for now.


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The Weather

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