Journal Entries

It's BEEEEEOOOooootiful!

It took me a mere day and a half, but I think I've finally worked out those ornery GuideML changes... something that took other, more NORMAL people the better part of a lunch break to work out, I'm sure.

I'm speshul. smiley - smiley

Anyway, things seem to have REALLY quieted down a bit everywhere.. or maybe it's just that I've only been back online for two days, and then only at 4 in the morning. Or maybe I just have really high expectations. Either way, it's sure to be an exciting contrast when things pick up, right?



*hunkers down and prepares to wait*

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Latest reply: Sep 18, 2000

Functioning telecommunication devices are HIGHLY underrated.

And that's a fact, Jack. Surely, even the unlikely minority of internet users who believe that technology is the scourge of the universe and Satan's personal chew-toy would be certifiable within a month for want of MODEM, E-MAIL or *gasp* a simple DIALTONE.

I dare anyone to make sense of that last sentence, dammit. It's been a while, and this is nothing like a bicycle.

In short, the phone is very much on, we are very much okay and we're barely starving at all. Color has come back to my once pasty complexion, I'm healthy from breathing OUTSIDE air and I've discovered how to talk to people without using emoticons! (I tired of people recommending good chiropractors every time I turned my head on its side.)

...Of course, all of that is about to change, me thinks. smiley - winkeye

But enough about me - how are YOU?

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Latest reply: Sep 17, 2000

Awright, now this is just plain redicamous.

Not a single new journal entry since March 16th... and what do I have to say for myself? I'll tell you.


So, J's working and I think in a few more weeks we might be able to afford that piece of toast we've been saving for...IF WE'RE LUCKY! smiley - winkeye I think we're making it sound a lot worse than it is... we have our health and each other and a $1200.00 phone bill. Who could ask for anything more?

I have a quick question...when your car starts to smoke from the hood, is that a bad thing? Just wondering. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Aug 3, 2000

10 Currently Logged On:

...and two of them are my favorite people in the whole world! The others only have mere potential.

*sigh* I get a MAJOR block when it comes to writing Guide Entries. I think it's more than procrastination... I think it's the "I'm not the smartest person in the room anymore" syndrome. I get stage fright. Or something.

Or I could just be lazy. I mean, I have the thing written out and everything!

Or it could be the alluring smell of manure wafting in through the window, distracting me. They're planting something outside and it smells very... ripe. *lights candles - hopes the fumes don't ignite*

Okay! I've decided to take a bath.

Aren't you happy I'm around to share these things? I know you are. smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Mar 16, 2000

It was all supposed to fit inside a Journal!

So I made it my user page... so shoot me! smiley - winkeye You didn't honestly expect that I'd be able to fit everything that happened over the last weekend into a Journal entry, did you?

Heh. smiley - winkeye

So anyway, we're home. I hate that, I really do. Just means I need to work extra, extra hard to get the heck outta St. Louis and out where I should be. Priorities. Adult resposibilities and priorities, that's what we all beer. Beer beer beer beer, beer beer.

Sorry, I've drifted off again. smiley - winkeye

Discuss this Journal entry [6]

Latest reply: Mar 15, 2000

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