This is the Message Centre for Annie ™


Post 1

nurse mimi

I really like your horses we raise mustangs and they are one tough little horse. I also like gardening and cooking.



Post 2

Annie ™

We also have two others 'Gem' a 13 yr old 12.2 Bay Roan show hunter and Chezzie a Chestnut 14.2 for fun and hunting but I have no pictures on my computer to link.

I am a reluctant gardener but love cooking. My Ex was the keen veg grower and we still have a allotment that he continues to produce organic veg for the kids/us all. I also have 21 acres where I am building my own house which is a mixture of grazing and a small amount of land that can be cultivated.


Post 3

nurse mimi

Hi annie at the moment we only have one horse Comachee a 12 year old mustang paint stallion my OH rides he is a lovely horse I'll have to figure out how to put pictures on this. I love to garden at the moment it has rained here so much this spring I dont have very much planted yet but it is supposed to dry up this week so hopefully I can get the rest in. How neet that you are building your own house what type are you building? mimi


Post 4

Annie ™

we are going for something green in the building - thick walls probably of the local sandstone unless our A comes up with other better alternatives. we intend to have a tennis court and gym probalby a small football pitch but drew the line at a pool as they are not easy to maintain in a green way to many chemicals and anyway the Leven river border the porperty.
definitely going for geothermal heating as you only need an acre to heat a full 5 bedroom house. Origionally we were going for a single level property bt changed our minds and going for a two story property so wider than high. the views across the clefeland hils are to die for.


Post 5

nurse mimi

annie that sounds really neat I would love to build a home but at the moment out of the question have you though about a salt water pool friends of ours have one and they dont take near the chemicals and are a lot nicer to the skin and hair .

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