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Steven Paul Jobs Posted Dec 4, 1999
Si, senor, el G4 es una computadora supor. Los PCs tenimos muchos problemos. Y Windoze tenes infinito problemos. Translation "Yes Mr., the G4 is a Super Computer. The PCs have many problems, and so does Windoze. Macs rock. Who here loves Macs, and wants to free the world from the oppression of Windoze. If you visit my page, you'll see my tribute to Apple, which will become far more detail as soon as I
a)Learn HTML.
b)Get my own computer to put stuff on.
If you would like to finance the purchase of this computer (preferably a G4, but I would accept an iMac DV.) please send me an email message at [email protected] , and I will tell you where to send the money
aPerson, An Angelastic (and alliterative) Acronymaniac Posted Feb 20, 2000
Wow, there's so much to reply to... I'll have to try to remember it all...
Firstly, there are certainly a lot of anti-Mac-for-no-good-reason people out there. I call them Gatanists (I've done a guide entry on them at ) My brother is an example... he picks on the most ridiculous things, and what he says is usually untrue anyway - once I was mentioning how easy it is to change an icon on a Mac, and he said, "yeah, you can do one-bit icons..." or something like that, because my Mac at the time had a B&W screen. The icons were colour though. Oh and a few years ago he said something like, "Oh, I didn't know Macs could multitask..."
And even sillier... he had seen an iMac in a shop and noticed it had the Wild Eep sound - from that, he concluded that the MacOS has not changed a bit since that sound was first introduced! Surely ridiculous comments like that show that he has nothing better to criticise Macs for. It's quite entertaining listening to him sometimes. It's odd how whener he comes over to my place the first thing he does is use my Mac, even without my permission.
Anyway... what else was I going to say? Oh yeah, graphite might be a faqncy word for grey, but those iMac DV Special Editions are pretty stunning. (Though my other brother, who used to work recycling computers, thinks they'll all be full of dust in a fey years and won't look so good. ) They're very photogenic too - even my crappy camera took a good photo of one. (actually, you might want to have a look at the picture, since there are also pictures of me with a MacOS logo on my face - linked from the 'what's new' page at ) The graphite iBooks seem a bit of a waste of money though. They're only 66MHz faster than the others and a different colour, but they cost heaps more.
You know, my family's kind of weird... I have a sister and two brothers, and each of the four of us uses a different operating system. My mother just bought an iMac though, so there's two Mac users in the family.
aPerson, An Angelastic (and alliterative) Acronymaniac Posted Feb 21, 2000
Oh, now I remember the other thing I was going to say... I haven't read the actual article yet but apparently the US Army haven't switched to Mac servers after all.
The Cube
Steven Paul Jobs Posted Feb 26, 2000
The Cube (or more specifically the way it works) is the future.
NeXTSTEP rocks. Blessed be the Mac users. We WILL get OS X. Be patient.
Steven Paul Jobs Posted Feb 26, 2000
All fine and dandy, here.
We need some PC users to come to this forum, and post their replies, so we can prove them wrong. And win some converts.
aPerson, An Angelastic (and alliterative) Acronymaniac Posted Feb 27, 2000
Hmm... how do you think we'd get PC users here? I can't imagine just asking them, "hey, do you want to post in a Macintosh forum so that we can try to convert you?"
So we'd have to maybe subtly make this forum more visible in case people get here by accident. How about adding lots of interesting words so it'll turn up in a search?
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- 21: Steven Paul Jobs (Dec 4, 1999)
- 22: aPerson, An Angelastic (and alliterative) Acronymaniac (Feb 20, 2000)
- 23: aPerson, An Angelastic (and alliterative) Acronymaniac (Feb 21, 2000)
- 24: Steven Paul Jobs (Feb 26, 2000)
- 25: Steven Paul Jobs (Feb 26, 2000)
- 26: aPerson, An Angelastic (and alliterative) Acronymaniac (Feb 27, 2000)
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