Journal Entries

Glitter girl

Glitter girl.

There are some events in life
That in the memory will stay
They haunt you each night
They just don’t go away

At the close of the last century
In a shop in the town
A disabled girl
In a wheel chair was bound

She wore a smile so engaging
With a mood that was not bitter
To mark new beginnings
She was buying face glitter

To enter a new century
With this spirit of cheer
Brings hope for this world
And to the eye, a small tear

Written by Carol Ward

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Latest reply: Jan 11, 2008


Broad beamed , muscular, tall and sturdy,
slim and willowy; whisperers in the wind,
majestic giants, containing in them nature's power to heal,
confidant to lovers, friend and silent counsellor to man,
protector of birds and woodland creatures:
trees are there to please.

(C) carol ward 2004

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Latest reply: May 24, 2007

why can't bees be more paranoid?

Why can't bees be more paranoid? if only bees stopped buzzing, buzzing for a while,
developed a little paranoia, upskilled their bee lifestyle,
if they's only stop kami- kazi-ing, buzzing round spiders' webs,
then perhaps they'd become a little less:

(C) carol ward 2007

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Latest reply: May 19, 2007

Gifts for the dying

Gifts for the dying

Even though:
he did not know me,
Or recognise me,
I took gifts,
Potted roses
Plant arrangements,
A new gold watch,
Oasis drink (his favourites)
Biscuits that he liked
His indifference did not dampen my zeal,
Rather it spurred me on:
I sent flowers

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Latest reply: Mar 20, 2007

A grrrr day

Sometimes things don't go my way.As I was about to write my Mother's Day card I noticed it was a birthday card, my son found his out to me, and that was also a birthday card. So why do they put them in the section marked "mother's day". I went off to town to change it but customer services was closed and a note said go to the till which I did and thenwhen it came to my turn the assistant said we're closed now. So I walked to the other side of town and bought two beautiful mother's day cards, one to send, one to lose, stopped off to drool in Marks Expensive and discovered I'd lost both of .
Then I come home to find a card that has dung beetles and cockroaches on it sent to me asking me to go out on a "jolly" with one of my best friends. This person caused me a near fatal injury last year and I had to go in hospital for an operation as a result of it. Rumours are getting back to me that it was my fault that she blames me for what she did to me ( A bit like a victim in a accident being to blame because they were there at the time)
Now were I to get in the car with her she would tell me to take resposibility for my own life. Somehow I know I wouldn't contain myself
yes I'm out of sorts

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Latest reply: Mar 15, 2007

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