Who is shocker_65? My name is Michael and my wife is Margaret. We live on the Gulf coast of Mexico in Florida at Apalachicola Bay. Im a electrician by trade and have been in the construction trades for 12 yrs.. I used to weld for a living but got tired of caughing up black stuff out of my lungs. Now when Im not working Im either on the net or using a rod andreel to fish with. We both play the Guitar and I do alot of reading. Which now after 34 yrs. I have decided to give a shot at writing my first book any help or advise would be appriciated. Being able to look up out at the stars and the water isvery inspiring. Its nice here exept for the occasionalHURRACAIN!!!!!!! Now for a quote from the past we have all heard "BUT ALASS" I miss seeing snow . I just got remindedabout the frogs because they are making noise again. Which gives me the idia to write a list of animals that Ive seen sinceIve been here. All of these animals or reptiles or fish or mammals have a story behind them but thats for another time. Alligators in the road while riding Motorcycle,Black bears ON Golf Course accross from house, panther crossing highway foxes red silver, wild hogs, deer small compaired to up north, Sharks while swimming and scuba diving, porpuses and dolphins, stingrays and eels while on scallop boat, all kind of etable sea life.Conversations
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
next word game | Mar 23, 2003 | 3 Weeks Ago |
c_el_c_nth | No Posting | Aug 25, 2016 |
coelacanth's NaJoPoMo 2015 | No Posting | Nov 19, 2015 |
coelacanth's NaJoPoMo 2014 | No Posting | Nov 17, 2014 |
coelacanth's NaJoPoMo 2013 | No Posting | Jan 30, 2014 |
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