This is the Message Centre for TraKter Pilot

New Job

Post 21


There might be some Ukranian Restaurants, but I haven't seen any yet - I will keep you posted though. Although, there are some rather nice Japanese, Chinese, Indian (mmmmmm curry), Korean, Thai etc.

Snake Vodka - It's similar to tequila with that worm floating in it, just a much bigger worm!!!!

Those are the staple foods of students as well - if you substitue beer for cabbage anywaysmiley - winkeye


New Job

Post 22

TraKter Pilot

I'm Back and loving every minute of it.
I've had more sushi in the past month than my entire life.
Hows it going ?

New Job

Post 23


Hi Mr. Pilot, where have you beensmiley - winkeye We were told you were carried off by a thousand screaming demons from hell, glad to see your backsmiley - bigeyes

New Job

Post 24

TraKter Pilot

Yes the Holidays were interesting as were the first weeks of work (Glub glub)
So New Years big disappointment or what.
I had fun but it all seems rather anti-climactic.
Lets start a new crusade to pick up the spirit of the masses.

New Job

Post 25


There were lots of fireworks at new year all round the world, but nobody was in the pubs they were all at home with their families (boring people).smiley - bigeyes

When shall we start the crusade?

More importantly, How do we cheer everyone up?

smiley - winkeye

New Job

Post 26

TraKter Pilot

See the crusades were apparently a technique that helped cheer everyone up.
This time I say we conquer hoomelessness or poverty, or belly button lint.
Merry Christmas

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