This is the Message Centre for TraKter Pilot

New Job

Post 1


Congratulations, on the new jobsmiley - smiley

New Job

Post 2

TraKter Pilot

This is very interesting.
I got back on here, but now I've noticed that most of the people I'm in forums with are on opposite ends of the world, and therefore not usually on at the same time I am.
This is a bit of a test for me to see when everyone else is logging on.

New Job

Post 3


I noticed we were on at roughly the same time yesterday, but the Kiwi's and Aussies tend to be on at different times (well they are between 9 and 13 hours ahead). It also seems to depend on if you have an understanding boss in which case they are on during the day or if not in the evening.

I only have time in the evenings.

btw your home page is looking good now, it took me four months just to write on mine. It'll probably take me as long to add features



New Job

Post 4

TraKter Pilot

Thanks for the input, sorry for the delay, I am so swamped right now.

See work for me is rather borring right now, question being "What are they going to do, fire me?"

So I notice there are not many people logged on most of the time, between 30 - 70. Is that normal for a site of this size?


New Job

Post 5


Even more important, how many researchers are there?

New Job

Post 6

TraKter Pilot

I really like the site and send many of my friends here now, they are all big computer fiends.

How are things in Gloucester (sp)

New Job

Post 7


Well, I'm applying for a new job, same sort of thing but for the district council. It's quite a considerable wage increase so I don't think I'll get it, but if you don't apply you'll never get it.

The Ex was involved in a car accident, just suffered a bit of whiplash. Still got to meet up with her in London thensmiley - bigeyes I'm starting to look forward to it - Gloucester's a bit of a hole, I love London though (lived there 1 1/2 years great place). Two things I must do in London is OD on Caffeine (can't get a decent coffee here) and have a decent meal in a nice restaurantsmiley - winkeye

I've reccommended this site to a few friends, I can't see if they've logged on yet or not! I know as soon as they log in for the first time they'll be hooked!


New Job

Post 8

TraKter Pilot

Interesting, I'm more of a country mouse.
I like urban centres for the range of activity, and those wonderful things like coffee and sushi.
But the visual diarhea gets on my nerves, along with the noise. Frankly I think I'll go mad with out a clear view of a Star Field as well.
Good luck with the job.
As for the Ex . . . . . I hope the meeting goes well.
Since you've been south and I've now entered into the concept of astronomy, what's the Southern Cross like.

New Job

Post 9


To tell you the truth I only saw the southern cross once, we were satying in South Island (Frans Josef, it's a huge Glacier). First clear sky for a while - not much light pollution. Just so many stars (we just tumbled out of a pub looked up and just stood there looking at the sky for ages) - you do miss that being in a town.

But I like the buzz of so many people being around, always something happening always somewhere to go - mmm sushismiley - smiley

New Job

Post 10

TraKter Pilot

That's true
Hey, here's a cool thing, a friend of a friend has received all sworts of gov funds for a public performance of flammenco dance. So a bunch of us are going in to watch, and hit a local Sushi Restaurant. I think it would be great, but cost may preclude my going to the performance.

Is there a static system like the North Star down South?

New Job

Post 11


That's something you'll have to ask spanner grrl, I'm not to hot on the stars

New Job

Post 12

TraKter Pilot

So what's the new job,
as a matter of fact, what's the old job?

New Job

Post 13


The old job is accounts (management) and the new one is still accounts (public finance). It's really not as exciting as it sounds. At least I still get to study, my brain was starting to rot - which has nothing to do with quaffing beersmiley - bigeyes


New Job

Post 14

TraKter Pilot

It does sound interesting. Heck I've always wanted to see where my tax dollars go.

A note on quaffing beer.
Walking around Winnipeg looking for apartments took me to a local pub. I tryed Beamish Red for the first time, it's not bad, but they also have John Smiths Extra Strong - since they are both imports from the Isles, do you have any insite?
I think I found my new home, its the Pub.

New Job

Post 15


I prefer Beamish Red to John Smiths - I thinks it's got a better flavour. Nothing can beat a pint of Kilkenny, its strong but you don't really notice that until you fall over smiley - bigeyes

New Job

Post 16

TraKter Pilot

The only thing better is Guiness.
Kilkenny is light by comparison.
Hey how about a rant about how hard it is to find a decent apartment in a downtown area.

New Job

Post 17


The entire of Gloucester is downtown, so finding an apartment is quite easy. Finding one that habitable now that's difficult.

I've only had one decent pint of guiness, and that was in Dublin straight from the brewery. I'm more of a real ale fan, but they don't travel very well. Although, in this area of the country cider is big - but it gives me a massive headache (especially when mixed as a snake bite and black) also has a tendency to decorate carpetssmiley - bigeyes

Do you have places selling foods that are only edible when you are drunk? For example kebabs with chilli sauce, or burgers that can't possibly hygenic from a van like that. Food that seems a great idea at the time but you regret it for the next few dayssmiley - winkeye

New Job

Post 18

TraKter Pilot

Yeah Lots
Seven Eleven, McDonalds . . . .

Yes, Loads of hot dog venders, but now we've started to have Falafal, Perogie, and Curry venders as well.

I personally prefer Ukranian food for hang over prevention.
It goes down easy, satisfies hunger, and there is no way any little thing like alcohol (specificly Vodka) can dislodge it from your stomach.

New Job

Post 19


Must admit I haven't tried Ukranian. There was a russian restaurant in London that looked quite good, it did sell 50 different kinds of vodka including snake (don't ask)!smiley - smiley

New Job

Post 20

TraKter Pilot

Now that you've mentioned it, I have to ask.
What in the world is snake vodka?
a note on Ukranian food brought to you by my old social studies teacher
The three staple foods that identify a poor culture are rice, cabbage, and potatoes.
The Ukranians are one of the few that have all three.
Perogies, Kobasa, Cabbage Rolls ummm
To bad there are no Ukranian restaurants in the Uk.
Big draw back for me..

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