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Nikola Tesla

Post 1

Norton II

I just added a link to your electronics page to my entry on Nikola Tesla at I just thought you might be interested.

Nikola Tesla

Post 2

Man of Legend

OK, i will check out your article soon.

Nikola Tesla

Post 3

Norton II

Did you get around to reading this? If so, what did you think?

Nikola Tesla

Post 4

Man of Legend

I did read your article. It was very interesting and well written (if a little on the long side, but there was so much to pack in). I like reading these sorts of things to find out about the person that came up with all the crazy laws that govern all the work that I do at Uni. We use the Tesla at Uni a lot, However it is ages since i've done any work like that (as I am working at ibm for a year), and since i read your article, so you will have to forgive me if i sound like I haven't read it. I didn't realise what a **** Edison was, pinching other peoples ideas, the guy was the Bill Gates of the 1800's(?, told you it was along time).

anyway I enjoyed it.

Nikola Tesla

Post 5

Norton II

hey, i pulled my punches on that **** Edison! i could tell you things about him that would make your hair curl.
I'm glad you enjoyed the article.

Nikola Tesla

Post 6

Man of Legend

I've just remembered when i said about edison being the 18th centuary bill gates. It's ironic as microsoft released a dvd entitled "The genius of Edison". hmmn, makes you think don't it.

Nikola Tesla

Post 7

Norton II

I can see how Bill Gates would identify with Edison! Still, at least he never electrocuted an elephant like Edison did. (Not so far, anyway...)

Nikola Tesla

Post 8

Man of Legend

It's a shame that most genius goes unrecognised, yet there are always people ready to exploite it. And also people can get away with calling themselves a genius cos most people are too dumb to see it or care. It's all about clever management and marketing, which most people are capable of, it's like in the current HP advert (in the UK) with the internet pioneer who goes around unrecognised. You can tell i'm gonna make a great engineer, hehe.

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