This is the Message Centre for Man of Legend


Post 1


Hiya Leg-end!

lol just thought id say hi, that was a real nice poem you put in your journal smiley - biggrin

smiley - fullmoon


Post 2

Man of Legend

Well hello

it's been a while since anyone's been around these parts, so it's nice to hear from you. I really enjoyed writing that poem and it's my intention to write some again soon, but soon is one of those things that just gets further away.



Post 3


smiley - coolsmiley - biggrinjust dont leave it too long next time, i need something to while away the hours, its not easy being an insomniac you know smiley - tongueoutsmiley - winkeyelol

smiley - fullmoon


Post 4

Man of Legend

yeah, can imagine insomnia's a raw deal, i suffer from the opposite problem, i'm constantly tired, dunno why, could be something to do with the crazy hours at work. I wish there were more hours in a day so i could sleep, but knowing me i'd end up doing something else with them. All I can do is wait for retirement!!

As for the next peom, hmmn, let me muse...


Post 5


Hey Leg-end,

i never said i wasnt tired, just dont sleep much, worse now with this weather! smiley - wow

why you hoping for retirement? if you dont like your job why dont you just look for something else? smiley - smiley but then who likes there job anyway! lol

i heard a good poem the other day, could put it in here if you'd like it, no room on my page smiley - biggrin

smiley - fullmoon


Post 6

Man of Legend


Can't sleep? in that case just relax, if all else fails pop enough Nytol to fell elephants, and don't wake for days smiley - smiley

Get another job? the less said the better, read my journal for clearer thoughts on this subject.

feel free to post poems here, i need the distraction from 'real' life.

bit drunk, going to listen to music before finally succoming to the darkness


MOL (dan)


Post 7


MOL (Dan) 1 of them your name? smiley - smiley

i think ill pass on the Nytol thanks, i just get used to it and every now and again between sleepless nights i get a really good sleep and appreciate it more smiley - sleepy

im just in hear checking msgs now but if i remember before i go i will take a look on your journal smiley - biggrin

i do have a nice poem but its in email so i will write it out and stick it in here soon, soon as i remember lol smiley - winkeye

your smiley - drunk? tut tut smiley - tongueout lol havnt had a drink in the longest time, at this rate ill have forgotten what my favourite tipple tastes like smiley - biggrin

catch you later,
take care

smiley - fullmoon


Post 8

Man of Legend

HEHE, yeah Dan is my real name, Man of Legend (MOL) is an ironic statement, one of my mates nicked it off me and i don't think he totally got the joke!

ahh it's in an e-mail, i presume you will be copying and pasting, not typing it in smiley - smiley Please make sure it is not copyrighted before you but in here, i had a bust-up on this subject before when i tried to make some more people aware of the beauty of prog rock lyric's. This would have never happened in douglas's day (grrr)!

I have a mate who's sleeping pattern is determined by nytol and proplus, dangerous way to live if you ask me.

Anyway it's about time for me to play footie in the park, with bags for goalposts (don't need jumpers in this weather)




Post 9


Hiya Dan,

yeah i got it now lol MOL yeah smiley - doh

i agree with you, your mate must be crackers, im suspicious of all pills even paracetamol lol

oh damn i keep forgetting about that poem, i cant cut and paste it as im not on pc, ill have to write it'll be in this thread and ill not say anything if you dont lol im not sure whether my friend wrote it himself or saw it somewhere, actually its very good so i dont know smiley - winkeye

footy in the park? i thought you was from this country? dunno where i got that idea from but if you are i thought it was a strange time to be playing, in the dark LOL smiley - tongueout

still have to go take a look at your journal, geez im so scatty id forget my own head! smiley - doh

hope your well,
take care

smiley - fullmoon


Post 10

Man of Legend

Evening, well it is to me anyway.

What country are you in, i'm in the UK, but there will probably be some confusion over when i posted that because I wrote it about mid-day-ish, and the server wouldn't let me up date it, so i copy and pasted it into a doc, and then posted it later when the servers where better smiley - smiley

anyhoo, thanks for checking out my journal and stuff, and your positive comments on my work. I think i just need to find the time to write again, i'm the absolute worst at setting time aside for regular things. It's also quite difficult at the moment because my room is being re-decorated, but that should have all settled down soon!

it's knocking on to 1.30am now so i'm gonna push off to bed.

speak later



Post 11


Hiya Leg-end,

appologies for the delay ive been on holiday any by now i bet your begginning to wonder if i really have a poem or not LOL i am, its been so long since ive seen it, hope i havnt deleted it! smiley - doh

i am in the UK too and if memory serves me well (it dont usually)! , from reading your page on it, you are from Sheffield which i know cos ive friends there smiley - smiley

no need to thank me, i was only stating the obvious smiley - smiley

anyhow, hope alls well with you and yours,
take care

smiley - fullmoon


Post 12

Man of Legend


Been a while since I posted, hope your holiday was good, i think i could do with another one soon, maybe october or November, might take two weeks and do very little! That is if I'm still working for PC World, and I hope I'm not, had an interview on Monday, and it went well, all i can do is hope.

Other than that, boring really, still found no time to write anything, although i'm finding a lot of time when i'm bored and could do it, but i don't have a pen in my room, cos it's STILL getting decorated. It's all MFI's fault I've been waiting for furniture for a over a month now, darn it (I want to say something stronger, but you don't know who's reading).

right i'm gonna stop whinging, altho i am rather good at it smiley - winkeye

take care



Post 13


Hello Leg-end,

holiday was good thanks Mol, seems like ages ago though, im hoping i can get another 1 in october IF im very good and pay lots of bills in the meantime! lol smiley - yawn

life is pretty boring here too at the moment, i need some fun! hey you know you could always throw in a smiley - bleep if 'darn it' dont cut it lol

that was whingeing? lol boy you got a lot to learn! smiley - sillysmiley - laugh

i looked for the poem i kept going on about and i think its gone im afraid smiley - sadface sorry about that but ill look for something else to leave you smiley - smiley

got my fingers crossed you get some good news off your job interview! smiley - biggrin lots of luck

take care

smiley - fullmoon


Post 14

Man of Legend


Done it, got it, it's unreal, the way i feel, pinch my arm, wake my brain from it slumber, i can finally show what i am.

i've fulfilled half my hearts desire's, time will give me the other.

of that i'm sure



Post 15


Hello Leg-end,

since your offering can i give you a dead arm instead? lol smiley - sillysmiley - laugh

way to go Dan! congratulations Leg-end! here have some smiley - bubbly i think you earned it smiley - winkeye lol

so whats the other half then?

oh guess what? i found it, it was in my other email, i missed it cos i couldnt remember what was on the subject i said its from a friend but he didnt say whether he penned it himself.......

Who Are You?

Who are you? moving across the sunlit sky, moving unseen as you pass me by.

I am a zephyr, a gentle breeze, unseen, I pass you by with ease.

And who are you at the dead of night, who passes by just out of sight?

I am the guardian that watches over you, who keeps your soul and keeps it true.

And who are you? where do you go? just like the breeze you never show.

I am today, then im gone, i have no name, just call me John.

So who are you? i must remember. Did we not meet just last September?

I am him and him and her, I am all things great and small, do you not concur?

So who are you? i again inquire. are you my Lord, my master, my sire?

I am the day, i am the night, i am your dreams as they take flight.

So i am you and you are me, put both together, we are we?


hope you like and it was worth waiting for lol i like it smiley - smiley

well you have a good weekend and well done! smiley - biggrin
take care

smiley - fullmoon


Post 16

Man of Legend


It's been a while, but i'm still around, just. Just to sort of say new job's groovy, living life in a faster lane now, although temporarly slowed due to lack of car (i hate them. love driving, hate cars, go figure).

I did like that poem, it was worth the wait. No to the dead arm, I have this adversion to pain, it hurt's!

Thanks for the drink, i've added it to the huge amounts i've had since i was last here.

anyway going to rattle along again now

Speak soon



Post 17


Hiya Leg-end!,

its been awhile, indeed..i hope all is working out well for you and you are back in the faster lane again soon smiley - smiley

not much happening here except i will be seeing more of your home town again very soon! a lot more! lol smiley - winkeye

take care,

smiley - fullmoon


Post 18

Man of Legend

Good Evening,

So going to see a lot more of Sheffield are we, nice one. If you need any advice on this promised land then feel free to ask.

Car's now fixed, but i'm not holding my breath for how long, at least i can use the sound of the stereo to drown out all the rattle's, smiley - smiley




Post 19


Good Evening to you too Leg-end,

well technically its now morning smiley - whistle lol

"this promised land" hmmm funny you should say that, someone told me it was Gods country the other week lol
advice? what kind of advice? places to visit and the like? well if you know any good pubs i seem to be spending more and more time in Sheffield nowadays, not sure all the Sheffielders are over the moon about that lol but hey what can you do i like the place smiley - biggrin

cars fixed, radio got 'rattle' and roll, problem being what? beats shank's pony lol smiley - tongueout

hope alls well with you and yours,
take care

smiley - fullmoon


Post 20

Man of Legend


Modesty, not a stong point of Sheffielder's when they are talking about their city. There is something here for everybody, and the house prices aren't getting wholly rediculous, YET!

Pubs?, easy, The Red Dear, just off west street, is my personal favorite, all the real ale's and stuff. Most of west street is alright, but be careful of 'flares' heard it can get a bit hairy in there. Clubs, we have the world famous Gatecrasher for the townie types, plus other hell holes such as kingdom. However, if you like music with a little more kick, there is the Corporation off of devonshire street, where I sometimes grace with my presence. Other good things about Sheffield are Henderson's Relish, Vally centertainment (cinema's and stuff), and if you like a good curry, the 7 spices on west bar is one of the best. In fact the only bad thing about Sheffield is the road out!

The car is alright ATM fingers crossed, touch wood, etc.

anyway hear from you soon


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