This is the Message Centre for Man of Legend


Post 21


Hi Again Leg-end,

dunno a thing about house prices in Sheffield but everything ive come across seems to be very reasonable which suits my pocket very nicely indeed! lol smiley - smiley

West st.? havent come across that before but i know where the High st. is lol smiley - winkeye im not an smiley - ale drinker anyway, give me a smiley - stiffdrink or a smiley - redwine any day smiley - smiley im a bit old for clubs now i sure ive seen Devonshire st., not sure definately went past Corporation st. on the bus before though lol will have to check out the movie houses/curry houses sometime, but i expect ill probably check out the pubs sometime 1st smiley - winkeye the road out? got no idea whatsoever where that might be cos i dont drive lmao

i was in The 4 Arches before, and more recently The Forty Foot, theyre not in town though erm where else? minds gone blank, theres a surprise! lol

i think i will have to investigate the pubs in more detail purely for scientific research purposes you understand lol

hey hows your job going? you must be well settled in it now smiley - smiley
anyway hope alls well with you

smiley - fullmoon


Post 22

Man of Legend


Five WEEKS!!!! what on earth have I been doing for five weeks. Usually finding 10 mins for this kind of thing is easy, I kinda have an excuse with christmas and new year, but still smiley - winkeye

Anyway, did you have a good xmas and new year. Mine was good, I ate, slept, and drunk, plus opening two sets of presents (my birthday was the 22nd of December).

Sounds like your getting around Sheffield well, although I can't say as I know the pubs you talked about, unless the 4 arches is the one on Herris Road. My Dad would probably know, he's a bit of a pub 'Veteran', hehe. Long may your research into establishments of intoxicating 'atmosphere' be wholey productive.

The 'road out' erm, my little joke, sorry. It's kinda like saying the worst thing about a good pub is last orders. smiley - smiley

The job is going well, bar the IT side of things, computers drive me insane, I don't know why I list them as a hobby anymore! there's a few early starts as well but I can live with them, Just!

Car's still going, but it needs a service soon, and probably a new hand brake!

Anyway I'm off to live in a daze for a little while.




Post 23


Hello Leg-End,

5 weeks imagine! yep you must of been having a life or something i expect lol Christmas was same as usual thanks for asking - pants but New Year had its moments, dyed my hair went green though lmfao (its ok im not completely crazy if it was permanent i would be smiley - wah) was going to go 'blue' for 1 night only lol but the best laid plans and all that i was the green goddess instead (or hag depending on how you look at it considering how much the weather interfered with my hair) LOL

ooohh birthday boy your a bit late for dropping hints unless of course you like to get in early smiley - winkeye lol how old was you?

yep 4 arches off the herries road somewhere thats the 1, not so good with roads, pubs stand out better in my memory always have lol..hey dont knock your Dad! nothing wrong with a pub 'veteran' lol they pay wages!! smiley - tongueout i have friends who live up that way, they know the roads, the roads i pay no heed to lol oh my research will go on, its a public duty..ok im lying about that but it sounded good lol you ever been in 'The Howard'? just over from the station, i havent but it looks good, all tudor outside, must be old..and easy to spot

i think i know where the road out is now but its kind of misleading cos to go up Rotherham or Barnsley (might of got it slightly wrong here), you have to go down by erm oh who knows what the roads called but its not far from 'Ye Olde Harrow' (wouldnt mind but i dont drink very much at all HONESTLY except Christmas/New Year and that) lmao or some big hotel with a pink neon sign up high (does it say 'Bristol' maybe?) and merchant house......? oh i dont know i know the pubs there though lol as for the jokes, well i was a bit slow with that 1 but then im still aquainting myself with Yorkshire humour its erm...different lol personally when im around that way id like to lose that road completely, wont be hard for me if i stay out of that pub over the way lol

anyways the jobs going well bar the IT side of things? hmm didnt take long for the novelty to wear off did it lol oh well, as i recall you was over the moon when you got the job as things wernt going to plan previously so cant be that bad apart from early starts? ugh hate mornings! dont envy you at all..why do Northerners get up so EARLY??! its wrong it has to be! lol

you know theres a few Sheffielders/Yorkshire people on here dont you? you talk to any of them? i can think of including yourself 6 or 7 offhand maybe another 2 but i dont know if they still come on here lol but then again its not as if id introduce you (**whispers** they have a bit of a reputation and i couldnt do that to a nice young man like you, your parents would never forgive me! lmao)

well you take care, Happy New Year to you and yours too

smiley - fullmoon


Post 24

Man of Legend


Only 3 weeks this time, must be getting better at this replying malarky. Sounds like you had an interesting christmas and NY. I have to wonder, of all the colours in the universe why does hair dye always go green, I'm not a fan of green personally, much prefer dark blues and purples, much like this site (in ClassicGoo, of course) and the colour your hair should have been, I imagine!

After my birthday I am 24, and a mini-fridge better off!

As for pubs and stuff, I live in Hillsborough, but don't really go in the pubs round here very often, quite a lot of them are filled with the sputum I went to secondary school with . As for town, the Howard, hmmn, I don't think i've been in, if I have it's a long time ago, and i must've been drunk cos i don't remeber it!. Further up that road is the globe, which i think is a 'it's a scream' pub, again a decent pub from what i hear.

The road out your refering to is the parkway, or the perminant roadwork as it's know to us Sheffielders!, it's down by the Bristol hotel (pink neon) and the queys which they renovated about 8 to 10 years ago. As for my sense of humour I feel I must apologise, it's very silly and usually gets the better of me!

The job, it's still going well, I'm forcing myself away from the IT side of things, using my cunning plan of re-formatting every PC in the office! I was on a training course last week in Chester, and now i'm going to start doing graphics for the central controller thingys that we do.

As for the early starts, tell me about it, they suck, still there's not that many of them.

To say how long i've been around on here I don't know that many people, I'm not very pro-active on the whole searching for people front, I prefer for people to discover me by accident, it's more exciting that way. However i'm not against more people finding their way here. Don't worry about me been man eaten, i'm too ugly for that!

Anyway got to go and tax the car now, £110, legal highway robbery is all it is.




Post 25


Dammit! just sent you the longest reply, previewed then was chucked onto Betsies smiley - bleep Homepage!!! smiley - grr


your back and only 3 weeks i know i know i should be honoured lol

yeah i wondered that too - why green of all colours! smiley - grr especially as the blue looked brill..fortunately it wasnt permanent! though when this blonde is all grown out im going to dye it black and who knows the older i get the dafter i get, might even go for blue on the tips aswell smiley - biggrin

a mini fridge huh? hmm just think of all the bottles of smiley - ale and tubs of ice cream you could get in there lol

Hillsborough? i thought you'd left Sheffield when you went to college? or am i out of date? you should of said i know Hillsborough pretty good now (53 smiley - bus shhh dont tell everyone though lol) the Globe rings a bell ive seen it but i cant quite place it, i know its around the college somewhere though

Parkway? by Parkway square/round about? the tram to Meadowhall goes over it, yeah i know it well now, its at the back of Castle Market and across from the the Bristol is the 'Alexandra' pub big place cant miss it, though ive never been in it lol

why are you appologising for having a s.o.h?! damn i wish more people round here had 1 the sillier smiley - silly the better!

at least your 'cunning plan' is keeping your interest at work lol 5 early starts a week for me now smiley - zzz life is so cruel! smiley - yawn

should i come across any fellow Sheffielders want me to threaten them (oh hang on i do that for my own kicks lmao smiley - winkeye) i mean point them in your direction on here? smiley - winkeye dont put yourself down MoL than thats my job lol smiley - biggrin

you still got the car then? even if somebody was stupid enough to give me a drivers license i couldnt afford to drive not with all them hidden extras! though i must admit it would be great to escape the usual on a weekend and surprise a friend or 3 and turn up out of the blue smiley - biggrin

well Leg-End hope to hear from you in another 3 weeks or so lol smiley - tongueout take care

smiley - fullmoon


Post 26

Man of Legend


I think I've got an explaination for the amount of time it takes for me to reply, I'm living in some sort of distorted time frame, because it's frightning to think it was 2 weeks since I last replyed. Mind you now these weeks are getting fuller for me. I've just picked karate up again and that wipes out 2 nights a week. I've just gone back after a 5 and a half year lay-off due to uni and that horrible shift thingy they have going on at PC World. Although I must say i'm getting back into it quite well. Biggest stubling block is fitness, as in that 5 1/2 year lay off i went to the gym for about 3 months, rode a bike to uni, and... erm... that's about it really!

Anyway, who's Betsie? another contributor?

Keep going with the hair dying. Black with blue would look cool, I have a set of dice like that (I play Dungeons and Dragons with the dice and the books and stuff, all good fun!).

As for Hillsborough, my perminant home has always been in Hillborough, so you could say I know it pretty well too!!! If I was more of the psycotic stalker type, I'd be able to guess where you lived, But i'm too lazy for that kind (or any kind) of obsessive complusiveness. BTW I'm now living back in Sheffield after finishing Uni nearly 2 years ago.

I've developed a cunning plan for the early starts, get 12 hours of sleep on Friday and Saturday nights. Sunday night feels good, and Monday doesn't feel like too much of a snoozefest (he says, almost straight-faced).

I always welcome more people to talk to, it might even encourage me to start replying a little more frequently!!!

For all the hastle owning a car gives you, nothing quite brings a smile to the face like blasting a country road smiley - biggrin or pretending your blasting a country road, as I have to smiley - winkeye I'm just waiting for work to take leave of their senses and give me a company car!

Anyhoo, I'm going to live in a spacial void again, you'd be surprised how many of them you get round here, Oh look here's one now...

Hang on, i'm not ready to go yet...

No, please...




Post 27


Hiya Leg-End,
a distorted time frame? smiley - wow sounds interesting, ive always fancied trying an alternate reality myself, especially on days like today..if you'd been doing what id been doing.......well lol sundays aaarrrgghh still least i was busy all day
Karate? i used to do Judo YEARS AGO, never stuck at it though - wasnt for me, didnt mind throwing someone, it was the being thrown i wasnt keen on lol used to go to the gym aswell in more recent years, but that i enjoyed, course im wanting motivation right now to get off my butt! lol
pc world? hmmm (thinks for a minute - nah lol too bizarre)!
betsies homepage/error page=smiley - grr
definately black - the blue tips, yeah i think it would look cool but all depends how mad im feeling, course ive been doing a lot of mad things lately but dont believe all you hear, ill probably deny it LOL smiley - winkeye
the only Dungeons and Dragons i know of is what little ive seen on American films, that and a cartoon i used to watch about 10 years ago, dont think its on anymore, but dont be telling people i watch cartoons! lol
about Hillsborough, no doubt you probably said but ive got a memory like a sieve! lol i didnt think you was any kind of stalker type, i think you have to be dedicated in the art of stalking and quite frankly you'd suck at it lmao you dont have to guess, if you wanted to know id tell you but not here, if your ever curious feel free to ask but id only answer in 'ican' on pm - too many idiots online
i could do with a cunning plan to get more sleep - though insomnia kind of puts the mockers on any i might have lol i always feel like sleeping just before its time to get up! groan
if you had more people to reply to, it might encourage you to come online more? hmmm i can take a hint, theres 1 guy 5 minutes up the road from you, havent spoken to him much but he always seems very nice, then theres this other guy, dare i inflict him on you though? bit of oh hes not so bad i suppose (just dont tell him ANYTHING you want to keep to yourself)! LOL then theres this lady about 5 minutes up the road in the other direction, havent spoken to her in the longest time but shes really nice, talks to my friend a lot - msgs coming your way shortly smiley - smiley
catch you later then MOL, take care
smiley - fullmoon


Post 28

Man of Legend


You've done a good job on recuiting people for me to talk to, now i've just got to find something interesting to say to them!

My problem is not getting on-line, as i seem to spend a lot of my time on the internet, this broadband thingy has taken my life away smiley - winkeye It's just being interesting for 10 minutes, a harder feat than it seems!

Have you changed you hair yet? mind you with the amount between my posts most people's hair would have gone grey naturally.

How did you like the snow this week? It was like the snow we used to get when I were a lad. I wanted a snow ball fight and my mom to shout at me for not wrapping up warm enough, ahh they were the days! 'Don't eat the Yellow snow!!!!!' hehehehe.

Anyway, i'm gonna reply to the new people.

Speak Soon



Post 29


Hiya Leg-End,

recruiting? smiley - whistle dont know what you mean lol nah it was nothing, you know what a friendly bunch you Sheffielders are, no need to thanks me just pointed them in your direction, they did the rest smiley - biggrin

something interesting to say? lol just be as youve been with me, why wouldnt they want to talk to you?! smiley - smiley

nah not changed my hair yet, still waiting for the blonde to grow out smiley - grr though im NOT grey yet smiley - tongueout i know what you mean about a long time between posts lol

so are all Mums the same like that then? lol yeah snow was ok but i dont like the ice which is what it often turns into! you like a good snowball fight? well why didnt you say? here DUCK! smiley - snowball oops too late SMACK! on your ear lol **SHOUTS** erm sorry i didnt realise id thrown some of that yellow snow at you smiley - roflsmiley - run

smiley - fullmoon


Post 30

Man of Legend

A rather sheepish hello,

I've been away for weeks again. I'm still a little unsure where my time goes. I think work and Karate have a lot to answer for. Last week I was down in Crawley on a training course for a couple of days, which happened to co-incide with those anti-terror dawn raids. I didn't see any of it though, I was too busy tearing around the more senic parts of Sussex.

Anyway how are you and your hair? I presume it's changed again, hehehe. I'm only jelous cos i've shaved mine off!

I was going to say that the winters over now, but this afternoon we've had hail! I hope you didn't come to Sheffield for predicatable weather.

I'm going to have to get you back for that snow ball somehow! fortunatly for you i'm not very good at revenge cos i just tend to forget most things, or get distract... Ohh, look at that, blue carpet.

anyway i'm gonna run, and knowing me forget to come back!




Post 31


Hello Leg-End,

hmm "slaps your wrists" i should think so too... smiley - tongueoutwhat i want to know is since you spend so much time online but not here, where are you going and whats so interesting there? lol

Crawley? i think i had a great Uncle living there once but he died when i was about 3, not sure where it is, just outside London somewhere?

you shaved your hair? no.1? omg! you will probably look more like a blade than an Owl now smiley - tongueoutsmiley - run lol grow it back! please!
i am currently 2 tone this sodding bleach is half way down and wont go! and i have a horrible mousey brown on top smiley - ill cant dye it till it grows out but it wont go! oh and i need a hair cut, its well past halfway down my back now, having to keep it up all the time cos i get my face slapped by it on a windy day lol but i dont think ill go as short as you lol your jealous of mine? dont know why its a mess lol tell you what seeing as im in a genorous mood though, when i cut it ill give it too you, should be enough there to make a shoulder length wig and knitted scarf! smiley - rofl

ahh the weather, well being a miserable smiley - bleep i quite like stormy weather lol the sun is shining now! but what i like about Sheffield is the people, their humour (cos lets face it so many people lack that)!, and the friendliness, people are very willing to help if they can, its a great place, its town and country and its so green, i like the old buildings too, if they could talk what history they could tell!, the only things i dont like are boarded up shop windows and houses, makes some areas look rough, (maybe they are)? oh and 'genals', i swear those things will smiley - bleep kill me smiley - rofl 1 i dont mind, but 2 and and 3 on the trot, pass me a ciggie, if im going to die may aswell die happy! lol...

oh yes the payback lol i could be very good at revenge too if my memory didnt let me down smiley - laugh

dont you dare forget to comeback, i had i mean have lol a campaign running to keep your attention span longer than 5 minutes, ok i admit probably wasnt nice setting that smiley - tit Boriyani on lol you but they are all ok people, pointless running around threatening other researchers cough i mean pointing people in your direction if you dont come back besides Owlatron and the smiley - tit need others too discuss smiley - zzz football with dont they smiley - tongueout

you take care anyway and ill see you when i see you or should that be, ill post you if you dont post me 1st or something like that lol

smiley - fullmoon


Post 32

Man of Legend

I'm back, and in record time!

What do I do on the Internet, well I spend a bit of time clearing the deluge of spam I get daily, erm, read a lot of sports news, then get bored and go off on some random search tangent, spurred on by some form of good idea. Usually, I wonder if they make a bit of software that does this, or how much would this car be, etc. I usually get disappointed after realising I'm wasting my time and then go and play a game. If I'm lucky tho i'll get one of my other mates on there for a quick chat over messenger. Other than that i'm out of the house 4 or 5 nights a week with karate, alcohol and pool/snooker and stuff.

Yeah Crawley's half way between the M25 and Brighton, drove back up through Dorking, Guildford and Maidenhead. I have a mate who I went to Uni with who lives in one of the little villages in Surry before you hit the M4. He has always said he likes it better up here because of things like the Peak District. He like his outdoor pursuits like climbing and mountain biking. Where are you from originally?, I don't think you ever said.

Yeah there is a lot of boarded up buildings towards the city centre, a lot of them would have been to do with the steel industry, when we had one. now they are all getting knocked down and replaced with 'Apartment Blocks' in the name of redevelopment.

Genals are cool, there is one near where I live which makes a really cool sound when you go throught it. I know they can they can be quite daunting though, if your worried get your hands on one of those aerosol rape alarms, point at ear and press. Although I've not been on the receiving end of one (I would have no reason to be), I've be witness to one as part of our discussions of self defence. It's so loud it is genuinly dis-orienting, anyway to lighter subjects...

My hair has been shaved for years now, I did it because I was sick of getting hair in my eyes and having to sort it out in a morning. It is the haircut of choise for an eningeer, functionality over form! For me to grow it back I would have to find a style, and I don't think I could spend time on it without feeling a little robbed of my time! I have to agree that wind and hair do not mix.

As I'm writing this, I'm watching another great Sheffield tradition, World Snooker, we seem to be getting better at this kind of thing, with the little sqaure behind the crucible being used for getting youngsters into the game and so on. We also have some great new sporting facilities on Attercliffe, which was featured on 'The Games', so we're not doing too badly, unless you hate sport of course!

Yeah thanks for showing the other people here, I am currently discussing the turbulant times at Hillsborough with Gary and Andy (Biriyani and Owlatron respectively). I wont bore you with the details!

Fingers crossed i'll be back around here again soon!




Post 33



what a nice surprise, did somebody tell you it was my birthday? smiley - laugh

spam? hmmm the smiley - bleep curse of the internet! smiley - grrlol

M25 and Brighton? smiley - oki know there in the UK but you are talking to somebody with no sence of direction and i dont drive! i know the M25 is 1 of the squiggly lines on the map (red i think), around London perhaps or is that the M1?smiley - dohBrighton i believe is south too, your wasting your time, here is where the blonde really comes into play! lolsmiley - erm

where am i from originally? lol good question, i spent so much time moving around in my early years but i suppose i spent the longest time in Dorset 1st then London smiley - smiley

when i mentioned boarded up buildings in Sheffield, i was on about houses and shops in estates, i understand about buildings that were closed due to the steel industry being Kapputz, i think the regeneration plan in Sheffields city centres great well some of it provided they dont gut them completely, i hope they retain original features and the like, its a very happening city, especially at the moment! smiley - wow

lol im not worried about people bothering me if i go up them genals (i only have to bark/bare my teeth, enough to scare even the toughest of Northerners) smiley - winkeye its the fact they are sooooo STEEP! dont any of them come with stairlifts??! smiley - rofl

my older Brother had a crew cut from about aged 11 to last year, the gf he was dating insisted he grow it smiley - smiley now he has great hair and its only a little longer on top, still short round the back (D.A), he always insisted it grew funny but after all these years there was a stylish reasonable looking bloke in there screaming to get outsmiley - biggrin but if you prefer the no hassle no trouble look, thats your prerogative, its you that has to live with it afterall lol smiley - smiley

'unless i hate sport of course' nah only football, but snooker on the other hand, i guess you arent aware you are talking to snookers no.1 fan! (well perhaps i should put female in there somewhere cos im useless with dates but i know who i like and why) smiley - biggrin oh guess who i saw the other day? i kid you not - Steve TheNugget Davis! course i dont want to sound ungrateful, i just grinned had it of been 1 of my favourites id of been all over the place lol

Andy OWLatron and smiley - tithead? oh bless they are a little upset right now, i guess the major stick ive been giving them lately hasnt helped, is it necessary to mention to you 4 times beat this season by BlackpoolFC, not been done since '93 by ManU? what? too cruel? smiley - roflsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - run

fingers crossed huh? i hope so, i like posting to you smiley - smiley
take care

smiley - fullmoon


Post 34

Man of Legend


Cor, it's been a awhile (and the surprise there is?), but it's been a little mad over the past week or so. I actually started a reply to you a couple of days after your last post, but my sister came in and wanted to use the net. Thinking she'd only be on it 1/2 an hour i said ok, it was only at 11pm she got off it and i had to go to bed due the hours I keep during the week. She's getting married and she's looking at different stuff and generally flapping around like it's all happening next week, when in truth the date they've set is October 2006 and he hasn't proposed yet!

I've also been doing my Karate, which is getting better because i'm getting some fitness back, and apparantly loosing weight (the only reason I know this is because my gi (karate suit) is fitting better, or at least that's what i'm telling myself smiley - winkeye ).

I've also been to Chester to do some training for work, which was all good stuff, plus there was a lot of posh people cos the races were on. I felt a little out of place hanging around in my baggy pants (as in trouser's, I'm not one for an indecent exposure charge)!

Guess what, I know a little bit of Dorset, Aunty and Uncle live down in Bournemouth, well they did, they're now in the Phillapines doing missonary work. Anyway, I've visited Goole as well, plus the Isle of Wight, which is not strictly Dorset, but there's only a bit of water seperating them. London, done the tourist thing in the centre a couple of times, but also been in the Wembley area last year for a mates engagement. I stayed in this weird guest house that was a shrine to the royal family, which is something I wont forget!

I get what you mean with the estates, it does seem a shame that so much is derelict, but you get it everywhere. The city centre does give us more to be proud of though, things like the winter gardens. Did you visit before you moved here and saw the monstrosity that proceeded it? If you didn't it was an old council building that was called the 'egg box' for very obvious reasons, it was mildly hideous.

Still no plans to grow my hair, how's yours these days?

Although I didn't watch as much snooker this year as I normally do, I managed to catch most of Ronnie's semi and all of the final. O'Sullivan genuinly is one of the most talented people ever to pick up a cue. He's always suffered a little with his temprement, but this year he looked so relaxed, which looks like the key to his whole game. Saying that there weren't many challengers this year, a lot of the top seeds seemed to be out of form, but kudos goes to Graeme Dott for getting so far, they were both playing don't miss snooker in that final. Did you see any of the other players at all?

Thanks for reminding me of that little Wednesday stat, we've had a very poor season, and it just shows you the commitment when the team didn't come back out on Saturday to applaud the fans for their support.

Anyway I'm going to go and start another week or so of fun and game's, i'll try (sister permitting) to get back to you sooner next time, as I am also enjoying these posts.

Over and out



Post 35


Afternoon Leg-End,

how funny! i was only talking about you yesterday! lol myself and CarolT were discussing which 1 of us should give you a good kick up the smiley - bleepcos your not around as often as we'd like you to be - nothing has been settled yet but i thought you'd take it better from me, (in a big Sister kind of way), but then CT lives closer to you so i told her to do it in person lolsmiley - tongueout

i suppose weddings take a lot of planning, (not talking from experience i wouldnt know), but 2yrs???!!!!smiley - laughhe hasnt proposed yet? pmsl does he actually know hes getting married? your Sister doesnt smiley - bleepabout - i like her style!smiley - rofl

did you ever stay with your Aunt and Uncle? shortly after leaving home i lived in Bournemouth myself though its changed a lot since i was there, i get down there every now and then, still got some excellent nightlife though and then theres the BiC (where they play the Snooker), i used to work in a HUGE hotel right next to the pier (The Royal Bath)..i havent done the tourist 'thing' lol in London since sometime in the early 80's, long before ever i come to live there, cant say as it feels the same visiting it and living in the citysmiley - erm

i havent visited The Winter Gardens yet, just been all round it, enjoyed the Snooker at The Peace Gardens though! the O'Sullivan V Dott match was fantastic! ive followed Ronnie's career since his early days in short pants, he is 1 of my favourite players but i agree with you, hats off to Dott he put up quite a challenge early on, i wont bother repeating myself cos im sure everyone is sick of me going on about how good the Snookers been but your free to lurk in a few conversationssmiley - laugh
did i see any of the other players? what other players? you mean there are others apart from Ronnie O'Sullivan?smiley - winkeyei watched the match between himself and Hendry, Matthew Stevens in the semi, but i didnt follow any others for the whole of there game just caught bits here and there, they showed a short film from Northern Ireland about a recent match between Jimmy White & Alex Higgins, both of which i have plenty of time for, they are both exciting players to watch!smiley - wowAlex is looking rough these days! fortunately hes getting back on his feet now though smiley - smiley

i caught something on the news about SWFC yesterday i think, it said the fans thought the police were a bit heavy handed in there protests about that bloke Allan, apparently they stormed in like bulls in a china shop where there was small children present! typical engaging mouth/manpower before brains!smiley - grr

i could catch you more often if you had msn? of course you'd have to want to be caught online lolsmiley - tongueoutup to you

have a good week, take care

smiley - fullmoon


Post 36

Man of Legend


Short reply, after all I don't want to freak you out too much.

Yes I do have MSN and I agree it would be better for you to contact me that way.

All we need is a secure method of you getting your e-mail to me, or me to you, but i'm sure you've thought of that already!

Anyway drop us a line, and we'll see if it can happen any time this year smiley - winkeye



Post 37



are you ill?! you can tell me, whats up? you want to tell me something im sure, you must be ill, your back so soon, i cant believe it!!!!!smiley - laugh

a secure way of getting mine to you/yours to minesmiley - ermeasiest way would be 'ican' cos it has the private messaging, well obviously the staff read them and the smiley - mod's read everything i put, all you have to do is 'add me as a friend', the link would be on my page and i would have to do the same, this way only we get to see the pm but if you dont we're not going to be able to see them, i could send you a msg only you would see on your PS, but if your not sure about ican or that sounds too complicated i could leave my old email address up in here, as i wont be using it anymore smiley - smiley

smiley - fullmoon


Post 38

Man of Legend


Have been on iCan and added you as a friend (as you can see on the bottom of my page), so now I presume either you send me a personal message or I send you one. I am a little wary of this, but if you say it's alright then i'll send you a message.



Post 39


Hello Leg-End,

well theres a turn up for the books, normally i wait ages for a reply off you smiley - laugh RL cropped up an awful lot this week and kept me off here smiley - winkeye

have left you 1 on ican, i await your reply smiley - smiley
you can send me a msg anytime lol but now i have added you as a pal, it should be private on ican, well private to other researchers, the staff of course like a good nose, the nosy smiley - bleep's that they are smiley - smiley

look forward to hearing from you soon
take care

smiley - fullmoon


Post 40

Man of Legend


This iCan thing is a bit frustrating, it's slow and it doesn't seem to work, I can't see a message from you, and i've tried to send you two. Hope you get one of them.

If not then we might have to take an alternate form of action.

Other than that I will make a full reply to your last post soon.


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