Journal Entries

Cap, Gown, and Sodomy

Earlier today, I had to sit through an assembly (short, but still a waste of time) about our caps and gowns for graduation. I made the comment (jokingly) that I feel like just going in some casual clothes just to stick it to them.

Then came the blow-out with my mom, during which I began to think, "Wait, why shouldn't I be able to dress casually? Why should I have to pay for something unessential in the process of graduating with my class, and not have a say about it?"

The answer is of course, the school is getting kick-back from the company that supplies them.

My response: smiley - bleep them! Why should I have to conform!? Why can't I graduate with my class as an individual, not some sort of mindless zombie who does shit without as much as a half of a thought? Am I the only one who agrees with the American ideal of freedom of choice?

My mom cited that "others ruined it for everyone else", and that "you don't get a choice in the real world."

Why? What the hell does the Establishment have against individualism? Why must they punish the free-thinkers? Has no one taken lessons from Plato and Socrates (aside from the free-thinkers who they bring the hammer against)? What ever happened to the decree, "The government that governs best is the government that governs not at all"?

Am I being unreasonable in my attempt to be an individual, or has mankind finally lost all hope?

Either way, I'm leaving "The Cave", and staying wayyyyyy the smiley - bleep away from it, screw you guys (read: idiots in the cave, not people who know what I'm talking about), I'm going wherever the smiley - bleep I feel.

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Latest reply: Jan 17, 2008

The Last Place You Look

You don't always find something in the last place you look; you can always give up looking before you find it.

I have no clue where this thought came from.

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Latest reply: Aug 20, 2007

Voted "#1"

The whole concept of Voted "#1" or "best" can be a joke.

Take for example the Mystery Spot of Michigan. There are billboards advertising it as "Voted #1", but there is no citation or clarification as to what it is being Voted #1 of. One day many, many, years ago we decided to check it out. Turned out to be a waste of money. The "Mystery" is why the fsmiley - bleepk anyone would vote it #1 in any category besides the following: Waste of time, waste of money, or example of how shoddy advertisement can attract people. We later, (as in this year) found out who voted it and for what. Of course the publication that voted it has been around for decades, for all we know this could have been during the 70's.

So my point is this, people can freely put one of those labels on just about anything without citation and people are gullible enough to believe it. And the people promoting it could probably vote it that themselves to eliminate any false advertising suites.

The moral: laugh whenever you see something that says "Voted #1" or "Voted Best".

I know I do.

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Latest reply: Aug 20, 2007

Time Zones

You know what? The fact that I'm in the states really gets annoying when I'm in a conversation. Most of the time that I'm on it's farly late in the UK.

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Latest reply: Apr 12, 2006

Time Zones

You know what? The fact that I'm in the states really gets annoying when I'm in a conversation. Most of the time that I'm on is farly late in the UK.

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Latest reply: Apr 12, 2006

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