Nich Campbell

Well, that's not actually my real name, which is Nicholas Campbell. I just like to call myself Nich when I feel like it. What's that? How do you pronounce "Nich"? Well, it's pronounced the same way as "Nick", although it's quite amusing to listen to other people try it. Some of them think its "Nitch", others think it's "Nich" with a Scottish ch - but no, it really is pronounced as "Nick". I thought I'd change the k to an h to make myself look cool, and because it's unique. So there.

Anyway, I'm from Northern Ireland, and I'm in the third year of a chemistry degree at the University of Durham - that's the one in England, and not North Carolina. I am usually to be found sitting in front of a computer, but you can sometimes find me playing badminton. Amongst the other things I like are Formula 1 motor racing and Calvin & Hobbes.

I'm also quite a fan of the Amstrad CPC computer (remember them?), and I have two websites about the CPC:

The latter one is worth a look if you're into CPC games.

I wish I could find the imagination to write an article for H2G2, but I can't think of anything to write - so I guess I'll just spend my time on H2G2 reading the contributions of other researchers. Oh, well.

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