Journal Entries

A retraction

Well, obviously the journal entry below was a little bitter, though I assure you all that I didn't intentionally post it twice...

At any rate, it's starting to look like some of my stuff is actually going to get in, so now I'm feeling a little more gratified. Carry on!

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Latest reply: Dec 17, 1999

On the Usefulness of a User-Written, Internet-Based Hithchiker's Guide

Some time ago, Douglas Adams, writer and dry wit extraordinaire, had an interesting idea: what if we created a forum where regular internet folks could write a massive guide to various things? Each person, presumably an expert on what they chose to write about, would write a helpful, accurate entry on that subject. A damn fine idea.

Unfortunately, the whole thing is completely useless. How's THAT for a challenge?

To whine: I have written three entries, none of which I imagine have ever even been read, let alone commented on, by my colleagues. I don't point this out to express my bewilderment that I do not now have throngs of screaming fans waiting for my next bit of prose. No. Well, not really. I'm pointing this out to raise the ancient question: if a guide entry falls in the woods and no one is around to read it, does it really serve any practical purpose?


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Latest reply: Sep 29, 1999

On the Practical Usefulness of an On-Line, User-Created Hitchhiker's Guide

Soem time ago, Douglas Adams, writer and dry wit extraordinaire, had an interesting idea: what if we created a forum where regular internet folks could write a massive guide to various things? Each person, presumably an expert on what they chose to write about, would write a helpful, accurate entry on that subject. A damn fine idea.

Unfortunately, the whole thing is completely useless. How's THAT for a challenge?

To whine: I have written three entries, none of which I imagine have ever even been read, let alone commented on, by my colleagues. I don't point this out to express my bewilderment that I do not now have throngs of screaming fans waiting for my next bit of prose. No. Well, not really. I'm pointing this out to raise the ancient question: if a guide entry falls in the woods and no one is around to read it, does it really serve any practical purpose?


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Latest reply: Sep 29, 1999

Testing this thing on? 

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Latest reply: May 20, 1999

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