Journal Entries

Nearly Over :)

well, the exams are nearly over- just french writing tomorrow and then freedom smiley - smiley i am the happiest bunny in the whole wide world!!

anyways- ill be back soon to tell you how that went, plus the murder mystery party that i am going to

<3 michelle

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Latest reply: May 18, 1999


yup, that time of year is here again, when we all go and sit in really hot exam halls and sweat away any knowledge that we had before the exam even starts then spend the rest of the time trying to make sense of the complete rubbish in the exam paper (easy? i think not).

i will probably do fine in my exams as my prelim grades are great but you never know so until the 6th of august i will have sleepless nights and hours of antagonising. that coupled with the fact that i have got my friends sanity to worry about leads to a really stressful time of my life...

like i need this just now?

<3 michelle

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Latest reply: May 12, 1999


Well, this is my journal I guess and if you are reading this then you must have really bad CEL, you know me, or, this is actually dead cool and worth reading. personally i think that i would put my money on the CEL option as i hardly ever say anything that is even remotely interesting!

Peace out

p.s. i will be back with tales of skinny dipping and streaking at wembley. until then i leave you with the eternal questions of life...
fromage frais - cheese or yoghurt? and, if a question has no answer is it really a question at all?

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Latest reply: May 11, 1999

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