This is a Journal entry by <somat_witty>


Post 1


Well, this is my journal I guess and if you are reading this then you must have really bad CEL, you know me, or, this is actually dead cool and worth reading. personally i think that i would put my money on the CEL option as i hardly ever say anything that is even remotely interesting!

Peace out

p.s. i will be back with tales of skinny dipping and streaking at wembley. until then i leave you with the eternal questions of life...
fromage frais - cheese or yoghurt? and, if a question has no answer is it really a question at all?


Post 2

Researcher 35466

Well, actually, I think this is kinda interesting. although I believe my reason for reading this falls more under the category of "knowing you". Anyway, I get what ye mean about exams. I took one this year and had enough stress for 6 people, not at all a good thing, especially when your prone to psychological breakdown.

BTW, I dunno what fromage frais is, but fromage is definately cheese. Perhaps fresh cheese (?).


Post 3


who replied to my intro? name yourself? how do you know me? i figure that you are from TOE???


Post 4

Researcher 35466

Yes, you are right. You do know me from TOE, but there is no need to "argh!". I am one of your friends.


Post 5


so if you are one of my friends then who? i am kinda confused- sorry about the arggh it was just that i thought maybe i had a scary net stalker! smiley - smiley

peace out


Post 6

Researcher 35466

No worries. I'm not a net stalker. I yo candy buddy.


Post 7


::breathes sigh of relief::

whew, so i dont have to change my SN or anything then? i am safe and stalker less.

hey donna smiley - smiley

peace out

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