This is the Message Centre for Researcher 35637 (Vroomfondel)
vogons continued
Lardibartfast Started conversation Dec 4, 1999
Yup, you're completely right. Take your local tax office, any slow fast food restaurant and anything which is caffiene, sugar or calorie free. Or any form that has to be completed more than once. Vogonity at it's worst can usually be seen, after extensive plastic surgery, working for local government departments.
vogons continued
Taipan - Jack of Hearts Posted Dec 4, 1999
*dashes in hoping to see no sign of skeleton, irving or the others*
Hello 103480, welcome to 'The Guide'.
To get the best out of it, I'd edit your home page (even if it's just to say hello) so people like me can welcome you properly.
Happy researching, and have fun.
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vogons continued
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